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Thinking of a bluetooth mini mouse for SP


I'm thinking of getting a bluetooth mini mouse to use with my Surface Pro.

The one I have my eye on is the Logitech M187 Wireless Mini Mouse.

I was looking at a few similar models in a shop the other day and notice they all come with a mini receiver which plugs into the USB port.

My question is, as the SP has built in bluetooth is it necessary to use the plug in or will the mouse work without it?
I don't want to occupy the sole USB port if it's not necessary, or to use a hub.
I like to keep things clean and simple!
I am very happy with the Microsoft mini wedge Bluetooth mouse. (or whatever it is called)

No receiver 'button' necessary.

Toy Man
The Logitech M187 Wireless Mini Mouse is a 2.4GHz Wireless Mouse and requires the use of the Micro-receiver so it would occupy your only USB port. The Mouse needs to say Bluetooth for it not to require a receiver.
I have only found a few Bluetooth mice on the market, and only the wedge appears small enough to fit in my bag without bulging. If you come across something better, but still small, please share. I use the wedge, but I'm not really happy with the wheel action.
Thanks, jnjroach.

That is what I needed to know.

Based on that I have ordered the Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 from Amazon.
It looks good and is, by all reports, quite small and compact.
I have the 5000, the Sculpt Mouse, and the wedge. The 5000 is great, but it's about the size of a regular mouse. You originally said you were looking for a "mini" mouse, the 5000 isn't very mini. The Sculpt is great too, but only a little smaller than the 5000 and it has a touch wheel which works, but can be annoying (just like the wedge).
I've got the Sculpt mouse as well, the touch scroll is kind of cool, but it's not that responsive. The only other bluetooth one they had was the wedge so I bought it because I couldn't find any other ones.
I have the wedge (smallest), notebook mouse 5000 (a little bigger) and just got the MS Sculpt Comfort Mouse (full size mouse). All are Bluetooth. My least favorite is the wedge. The other two are tied right now. The sculpt does not have a back button for internet explorer. You can program that function to a degree in another button but then you loose that button's functionality. The short answer, I'm still looking.
Prior to the Surface I was using the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse and I loved it, especially how it would collapse flat for easy travel.

When I got the Surface, I got the Wedge Mouse but I had a lot of accuracy issues right-clicking. I'd end up left-clicking when I meant to right-click. :( I definitely wanted a mouse that would have left- and right-scrolling and after much research, I ended up settling with the Apple Magic Mouse. Afterwards I stumbled on the Mobee Magic Mouse charger. What a great find!! Now I no longer have to worry about running out of battery power.

I love my Apple Magic Mouse!
Prior to the Surface I was using the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse and I loved it, especially how it would collapse flat for easy travel.

When I got the Surface, I got the Wedge Mouse but I had a lot of accuracy issues right-clicking. I'd end up left-clicking when I meant to right-click. :( I definitely wanted a mouse that would have left- and right-scrolling and after much research, I ended up settling with the Apple Magic Mouse. Afterwards I stumbled on the Mobee Magic Mouse charger. What a great find!! Now I no longer have to worry about running out of battery power.

I love my Apple Magic Mouse!

The Magic Mouse looks real nice. Does it come with software for windows though?