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The time to get a microsd card is now

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the sp3, which is mobility? It's one thing to put a microsd card in there for storage. It's a whole other thing to lug around a ssd usb with it.

Heavy lugging. My 240gig ssd is very slightly bigger than a thumb drive. I keep it in my bag with several cheap thumb drives. I have a handful of $5 thumb drives I keep with me to give to data to friends when the occasion arises.

Example of one that I have:
Heavy lugging. My 240gig ssd is very slightly bigger than a thumb drive. I keep it in my bag with several cheap thumb drives. I have a handful of $5 thumb drives I keep with me to give to data to friends when the occasion arises.

Example of one that I have:
http://www.amazon.com/VisionTek-240GB-Pocket-Drive-900719/dp/B00O0NV570/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1420065711&sr=8-3&keywords=ssd usb

This is my first time hearing of USB SSDs. How much faster is that than my 128GB USB 3.0 thumb drive?

I'm curious, but I really have little incentive to purchase that at that price. I have a lavish 78GB of space free on my 128GB SP3. I have a 128GB microSD card in it that is nearly full. All my music is on it. I have very little video anywhere on my SP3 because my video library is massive. I use my MacBook Pro for that. One day, I may fill a USB drive with movies.
I have generally spotted the fake micro SD cards I've bought very quickly. I was happy to buy this particular card from Best Buy again because it can be trusted. But they canceled my order, so now I am doing it with Amazon. This card is for my phone.

My last fake microSD card wouldn't even pick up much of the data I transferred to it.