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Surface Pro 4 firmware/hardware updates 4/19/2016

Looks like the updates are working for me for the most part.

Windows Hello is working much faster/better.

My surface dock still does not work with a passive mini display to VGA adaptor. While it works directly off the Surface 4--- through the dock it doesn't work. I tried 2 adaptors and 3 different monitors and the same problem... so I'm limited to just 1 extended screen for now. The dock so far was a terrible investment--- not using it. I think I will wait 1 more month before selling it on eBay or something.

Sent from mTalk
Sorry for a stupid question but how will I know if I have the updates installed. I had some of the normal issues like the bsod. I finally got things going but some of the updates just kept failing. I left it alone for a few days and checked the updates again and it says I do not have any. Checking my update history on 4/20 shows the failures but I don't see any of those same updates as successful higher up.
I even tried downloading the MSI from here:
Download Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center
figuring that would install what I needed but it did not seem to do much. How can I check to see if I still need to update anything. Here is what failed on the 20th:

Microsoft driver update for Surface System Aggregator Firmware
Microsoft driver update for Surface Embedded Controller Firmware
INTEL driver update for Intel(R) 100 Series Chipset Family PMC - 9D21
INTEL driver update for Intel(R) 100 Series Chipset Family SMBUS - 9D23
Intel(R) Corporation driver update for Intel(R) Display Audio
Intel Corporation driver update for Intel(R) CSI2 Host Controller
Microsoft driver update for Surface UEFI
INTEL driver update for Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3 - 1200/1500 v5/6th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) Gaussian Mixture Model - 1911
Intel Corporation driver update for Microsoft IR Camera Front
Intel driver update for Intel(R) AVStream Camera 2500
Microsoft driver update for Surface Camera Windows Hello

The .zip version of the update has a .txt file in it with all the driver versions (or you can probably find the versions online somewhere). Just spot check in device manager that you have the latest drivers/firmware installed which you likely do if you installed from the .MSI.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

I have run into an update issue which hopefully the smart folks here can assist with.

I am delayed in my post as I’ve been traveling quite a bit for work, leveraging my Surface Pro 4 exclusively having moved from a DELL i7/quad core. I love the fact that I can now travel super lightweight, yet run all the VMs I need to all with very good performance.

Here is what has happened regarding the auto-updates to my system.

I have 4 current issues: (i7/16GB)

1) The Graphics 540 driver update. When the new driver is installed, a) the logon camera continues to try and launch but never does forcing me to use my PIN. b) the brightness option is disabled and remains on the brightest setting (when not using external monitors).
As such, I continue to rollback to the previous driver “” which I have had no issues with.

2) The Surface Embedded Controller Firmware update. When the “103.1122.256.0” driver was installed, the device status reads, “This device cannot start (Code 10). {File Not Found} The file %hs does not exist”. I do not know what to make of this status but it doesn’t look good to me.

3) The Surface System Aggregator Firmware update. “103.1135.257.0”. Same error/status message as in #2 above.

4) The Surface UEFI update. “104.1121.768.0”. Same error/status message as in #2 above.​

Again, I rollback the graphics driver.
I really do not know what my options are to resolve the 3 firmware update issues. I have to be extremely sensitive in not corrupting my system as I depend on this machine for my work.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Note: with the exception of the 4 driver issues stated above, my Surface Pro 4 has been rock solid.


  • Surface Embedded Controller Firmware Properties ERROR.png
    Surface Embedded Controller Firmware Properties ERROR.png
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  • Surface System Aggregator Firmware Properties ERROR.png
    Surface System Aggregator Firmware Properties ERROR.png
    70.5 KB · Views: 861
  • Surface UEFI Properties ERROR.png
    Surface UEFI Properties ERROR.png
    73 KB · Views: 909
I had two that failed. Rolled back the drivers, rebooted, then used "update driver". After both installed I rebooted and all was fine.
I had two that failed. Rolled back the drivers, rebooted, then used "update driver". After both installed I rebooted and all was fine.
That's good to know that worked for you. Can you tell me if there are dependencies across the 3 firmware drivers as far as any sequence I should follow or should I be able to rollback all three together, reboot, then manually update all three, etc.. I am a bit hesitant being these are firmware drivers. thx.