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spro 2 rumors

I'm 99.9% set on upgrading to the Pro 2. I was just hoping on a little more than 2 hour gain in battery life. Apple almost doubled the MBA battery life thru a combination of Haswell + bigger battery. I was hoping MS would do the same. Since I only get around 3.5 hours with mine, 5.5 hours would be better but I'd still be unhappy. I want 7 hours real world life.

I posted this elsewhere but in case you didn't see it... Haswell will had 2 hours, and the Power Cover will add 2 hours. Even if you have a defective battery (see yet another post I made, pointing out that I believe some Surface's are coming with batteries not as good as others) you should be getting 7.5 hours at least with an upgrade.
I pulled a little over 6hrs. Straight yesterday on surface alone. With custom power plan I made based off a link someone posted. I posted in another thread on it.
Well looks like the rumors are true and Microsoft has in fact lost their minds. The Surface Pro 2 will become a reality. It will also be a sales disaster.

  1. Same size? Fail. Too small for a true hybrid device.
  2. Battery in the keyboard? Nice idea but it will add an entire pound to the device making the SP as heavy as other hybrids which offer more ports and a backlit keyboard. Once the SP starts closing in on 3 pounds it loses one of its few advantages in the marketplace.
  3. The docking station? Sounds like a hulking monstrosity to me. Probably overpriced too. Why bother with all these accessories? Just buy a true hybrid that doesn't need a docking station.
  4. Haswell refresh. Good but hardly a reason to buy the SP 2 over the competition.
  5. Ultra HD screen? Nope, fail. Even the freaking Note 10.1 is going ultra HD. Complete fail.
  6. Adjustable kickstand? Well if you call just two options "adjustable".
  7. No internal pen port? Massive fail.
  8. For all intents and purposes the SP2 will look EXACTLY like the device no one wanted the first time.

SP2 will be a complete fail for the same reason SP was a fail, it's the wrong form factor for business. I bought the SP because it was the best tablet of its kind available at the time. Given the choice again today with the competing devices coming to market I would NEVER buy the Surface Pro 2.

Dumb MS, dumb.
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Your thinking lacks logical progression between "bad sales" and just "form factor," as I explained and as you yet again failed to comprehend and directly address. Perhaps you're completely clueless about how critical marketing is in local and world economies, and you don't work for a large company like I do with significant extant ecosystem investment. If a backlit keyboard was such a big deal, then consumers would complain about it for the Surface; that's not even a nominal complaint found in actual user reviews. Frankly, as a touch-typist, none of the laptops I've ever used had back-lit keyboards, and only the F/J finger dots matter.

First you claim that ALL competitors don't make 10-ish products, therefore the Surface Pro sales sucked, and now you switch gears and claim it's only about backlit keyboards. Sounds like you're desperate to find hardware reasons for sale problems.

Oh, check out the competitor screen sizes: List of Windows 8 and RT tablet devices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry, but with your hyperbole and failure to think about the big picture at all (quote my actual points and counter them), I just can't take you seriously. Onwards, I guess.

So I'm confused. You are actually arguing that there is nothing wrong with a design that just lost your company $1 BILLION dollars? And then you say anyone who blames HORRIFIC SALES on hardware problems is "failing to think"??? C'mon, you're joking right?

And now we find out that except for a few tweaks, the SP2 will basically be the SP all over again. And you can't see the monstrous fail in that? I have advice for you, stay away from criticizing other people's powers of deduction.

P.S., You mention that very few user reviews complain of a lack of backlit keyboard, but user reviews are written by people that bought the damned thing knowing it did not have a backlit keyboard. The millions of people that did NOT buy it for that very reason don't write user reviews.
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So I'm confused. You are actually arguing that there is nothing wrong with a design that just lost your company $1 BILLION dollars? It takes more than bad marketing to lose $1 BILLION dollars.

And now we find out that except for a few tweaks, the SP2 will basically be the SP all over again. And you can't see the monstrous fail in that? I have advice for you, stay away from criticizing other's powers of deduction.

You're definitely confused, and not very good at viewing the complexities of both business decisions and markets. I'm saying a whole lot of other things happened around the Surface, some out of MS's control and some within, that led to the current situation.

I have advice for you: Stop faking that you actually know anything.

You still have not addressed any of my actual points in any of my posts. That says a whole lot about your lack of deductive reasoning.
You're definitely confused, and not very good at viewing the complexities of both business decisions and markets. I'm saying a whole lot of other things happened around the Surface, some out of MS's control and some within, that led to the current situation.

I have advice for you: Stop faking that you actually know anything.

You still have not addressed any of my actual points in any of my posts. That says a whole lot about your lack of deductive reasoning.

Lol, I'm sorry but you are seriously cracking me up. Do you work for MS Product Development? I think you do.

Again, you are trying to argue that the SP's hardware design deficiencies were NOT the primary driver of the products complete failure in the marketplace? Please please stop pretending to be the smartest guy in the room when you insist on making such completely ridiculous statements.

Pretty much every reviewer who looked at the Surface Pro said, "This will fail..." Then the marketplace said, "This fails..." but YOU say oh no, both the reviewers and the marketplace are wrong. If only the ads were better, or the economy, or Windows 8 or whatever; anything but the real problem - the form factor is wrong for business. You are nothing more than a fanboy with your eyes closed to the realities. Again, get a job at MS, they seem to be filled with people just like you.

P.S., I didn't address your points? I blew your whole, "No user reviews complain about a lack of backlit keyboard" argument right off the page. Again, of course they don't because the people who did NOT buy the SP because it lacked a backlit keyboard don't write user reviews.

Anyway this is pointless. You clearly have a severely overblown opinion of your powers of business analysis. But when all the smoke clears there is only one fact we need to know. MS lost $1 BILLION DOLLARS of the Surface line and they are about to reintroduce basically the same thing again. We call that being stuck on stupid. Remember this is the same MS who actually thought their Surface ads were brilliant.

Surface 2 honestly had a shot at the right price point but if they are going to put a crap screen on there as rumored then no, that will fail too.
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Lol, I'm sorry but you are seriously cracking me up. Do you work for MS Product Development? I think you do.

Kids like you only use that argument when desperate because your arguments have no footing.

Answer is "no," but I work for a different Fortune 100 brand.

Again, you are trying to argue that the SP's hardware design deficiencies were NOT the primary driver of the products complete failure in the marketplace? Please please stop pretending to be the smartest guy in the room when you insist on making such completely ridiculous statements.

Nope. The design wasn't the market crippling part. But again, I work for an actual brand company, so I know just how business decisions and marketing, not engineering decisions, can affect a lot more than kids like you think.

Pretty much every reviewer who looked at the Surface Pro said, "This wil fail..." Then the marketplace said, "This fails..." but YOU say oh no, both the reviewers and the marketplace are wrong. If only the ads were better, or the economy, or Windows 8 or whatever; anything but the real problem - the form factor is wrong for business. You are nothing more than a fanboy with your eyes closed to the realities. Again, get a job at MS, they seem to be filled with people just like you.

Again, using the "fanboy" card only negates any of your opinions. You're using redneck footballer arguments, basically.

Failure to read and comprehend. Did I ever argue that the reviewers and market would be wrong about the product failure itself? That's not even a point on the table. In fact, I stated the opposite: Thanks to reviewers who compared it to things like iPad and whatnot helped harm its reputation. You're putting the chicken before the egg, kid.

P.S., I didn't address your points? I blew your whole, "No user reviews complain about a lack of backlit keyboard" argument right off the page. Again, of course they don't because the people who did NOT buy the SP because it lacked a backlit keyboard don't write user reviews.

You still failed to understand, I see. So I'll try again, in different language:

A significant portion of Win8 devices have 10" screens. You failed to address my factual point there; go back to the other thread where I pointed out your factual failure, and where you, being embarrassed, didn't address there.

A good portion of Win8 devices do NOT have backlit keyboards. A very simple, cursory search shows a significant number of Win8 devices (some hybrid and some laptops) don't have backlit keyboards. If that was such a big deal, and I noticed you've changed your tune from the 10" argument because Wikipedia easily proves you wrong, those device lists would list that as a notable feature. So I'm pointing out your factual failure yet again.

I do find you quite funny that you're desperately hanging onto "backlit keyboards" now as the primary reason why the Surface Pro didn't sell. Very adorable.

Because you're plain-up lying now, it's not like your viewpoints have any traction. But do please keep on trying, because you're hilarious. :)

mitchellvii clearly has a severely overblown opinion of his powers of business analysis. But when all the smoke clears there is only one fact we need to know. MS lost $1 BILLION DOLLARS of the Surface line and they are about to reintroduce basically the same thing again. We call that being stuck on stupid. Remember this is the same MS who actually thought their Surface ads were brilliant.

Surface 2 honestly had a shot at the right price point but if they are going to put a crap screen on there as rumored then no, that will fail too.

Yes, they did lose a lot of money, and yes, their ads were stupid; the latter was a huge mark against them. Maybe they learned from that lesson. If you think Surface Pro 2 is a close reiteration of Surface Pro 1, though, that only shows how little you understand about in-case technology.

Crap screen? But I see you miss the point of Surface Pro completely as well. If people wanted a pure media consumption device and are so concerned about Retina display for their movies, they shouldn't be buying a Pro anyway. No one needs that for productivity. If you want to render film files and play MMOs on highest quality, you construct a multicore tower rig with an excellent 25"-plus display.

...I realize maybe you're completely wedded to Apple and place value in yourself by trolling, but your obsession with MS is unhealthy, by the way: Yes, your behavior actually shows far more obsession with MS and the Surface than any of my posts. And the more you shout, the more you prove that observation correct.

Because if you actually weren't completely obsessed with the Surface or with MS, you'd just move on with your life--maybe laugh at any Windows-user you see on the street--but you'd just be happy using your own devices.
Fwiw, I'd like to see a backlit keyboard.... and bt for the overpriced type pad. The built in battery would be nice also.
Hey guys, there might be another couple angle to consider here...

1. Microsoft can adjust its production to meet expected demand. In other words, MS was way off in projected sales from Surface RT/Pro, but they have still sold a few million units. Likely, they'll scale back their production and hopefully gain some new customers with the new features of the Surface 2.

2. Microsoft is using the Surface strategically to spice up competition and innovation in the Windows 8 tablet space. There are other manufacturers of tablet PCs that are running Windows 8, and by introducing its own tablet, Microsoft pressures other companies to further innovate. In other words, this is a game of creating a larger and more innovative Windows 8 tablet market.

What do you think?