I exchanged a defective i5 256 last night for a one more try i7. I also brought home a yoga pro 2. The yoga was what I was after the day I was swayed by the sp3. I started with a i5 128 which worked great then swapped to a i5 256 with problems. Well setting up both the sp3 and yoga side by side the sp3 screen looked incredible while the yoga was bland in colors. The sp3 brightness at half also kills the yoga. Next were the speakers. The yoga sounded like a muffled MBA to me, yuk. Then there was the yoga heat on my lap! The sp3 and the yoga were both getting hot during updates but the sp3 is not shooting it at your lap. The yoga is a likeable machine but its going back in the box. It's funny, while I had been looking to replace a 6 yr old MBP i5, I wind up with a sp3 i7.