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SP2 won't automatically hibernate on battery


New Member
My SP2 has this strange issue and it's been this way since the faulty Dec. firmware (I have the Jan. patch now).

My balanced power settings on battery:

So it's set to sleep at 10 min and hibernate at 15 min. Prior to the Dec patch and with all my other laptops, this works great. 10 min later, the laptop is asleep, and 5 min after that it hibernates.

My settings haven't changed at all after these past 2 firmware updates, but after the Dec. update, my SP2 can't seem to hibernate automatically.

After the Dec update, hibernate seems to have been disabled and I had to reenable it but it works fine manually.
I just tested this out last night. Left the SP2 on battery with these settings. This morning, I press a key on the keyboard and it wakes up (so hibernate didn't work), and my battery went from 100% down to 67%
Yup, auto sleep and hibernate are both broken on SP with windows 8.1 and there is no known reliable fix (this seems to effect win8.1 in general). A workaround is to always manually sleep/hibernate the machine by closing the lid or pushing the power button (assuming you have them set up to sleep/hibernate). Incredibly lame Microsoft!
It's weird because the SP2 was hibernating just fine before all these updates. And is standby supposed to drain 1/3 of battery in 6 hours?
So I didn't have this issue with my SP2 until I installed the January firmware update (didn't have the December one). It seems that mine goes to sleep then hibernates but then, after a few hours, wakes up automatically and then never goes back to sleep, thus it sits idling for hours which drains the battery. Manually shutting off the device overnight is generally what I do and would be a way to avoid this drain.
So I didn't have this issue with my SP2 until I installed the January firmware update (didn't have the December one). It seems that mine goes to sleep then hibernates but then, after a few hours, wakes up automatically and then never goes back to sleep, thus it sits idling for hours which drains the battery. Manually shutting off the device overnight is generally what I do and would be a way to avoid this drain.

yea this is basically what i'm getting. even if my sp2 was asleep for 6 hours it shouldn't drain 1/3 of my battery
It seems that mine goes to sleep then hibernates but then, after a few hours, wakes up automatically and then never goes back to sleep

After sleeping, mine wakes up, does some busy work, then hibernates. Early this morning it logged "Wake Source: S4 Doze to Hibernate" which I assume is the hybrid sleep transition.

At the same time of day, on my gateway server, I see it got a DHCP address, contacted live.com, go.microsoft.com, hotmail.com, and my own imap server.

Since the January firmware it's been hibernating when I get to it in the morning. Between December and January it would stay awake, rather than hibernate. So the January firmware helped me. However I'd really prefer it didn't phone home between sleeping and hibernating [maybe I'm just dated about this whole internet cloud thing]. If I were traveling I'd have it configured to go direct to hibernate.
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After sleeping, mine wakes up, does some busy work, then hibernates. Early this morning it logged "Wake Source: S4 Doze to Hibernate" which I assume is the hybrid sleep transition.

At the same time of day, on my gateway server, I see it got a DHCP address, contacted live.com, go.microsoft.com, hotmail.com, and my own imap server.

Since the January firmware it's been hibernating when I get to it in the morning. Between December and January it would stay awake, rather than hibernate. So the January firmware helped me. However I'd really prefer it didn't phone home between sleeping and hibernating [maybe I'm just dated about this whole internet cloud thing]. If I were traveling I'd have it configured to go direct to hibernate.

The SP2 behavior has been inconsistent and puzzling. Hibernation seems to work on my SP2, at least when I leave it sleeping at night, in the morning it's in hibernation. Since it's been plugged in, I don't know about battery drain overnight, but that does give me an idea of the experiment to do.

(My SP2 is newer than the Dec 2013 FW troubles. I do have the Jan 2014 FW blob installed, but can't say I notice any effect of the update on my SP2.)

During the day I have the SP2 running on battery, and it sleeps as scheduled. However it does wake up randomly, returning to sleep after a couple of minutes, or less. I have no idea what causes this "insomnia" though a lot of possibilities come to mind, e.g., bluetooth, WiFi seem good candidates.

With 40 processes running in the background and the great complexity of the hardware/software platform, the abundance of variables makes it very hard to pin down where the problems originate. I keep thinking if we're lucky, careful observation might reveal a few workarounds for some of the problems. But really, there's no substitute for good engineering and effective bug fixes.