Yea if I get one it would be a glass protector but not sure if I will get one
If they back that up with a guarantee or free repair then it would mean something.I've never used a screen protector on any device and haven't had a problem. Until a month or so ago. My HTC 8X suddenly has a 3/8" scratch down the middle. Don't know how/where/why/when it happened but I have it. Arrghhh!!
Zagg marketing claims that if you shatter the screen you will only shatter the glass screen protector layer. Supposedly, the layered glass screen protector will shatter and prevent the actual SP3 from shattering also. I don't care to test this.
I would recommend a glass screen protector to anyone who wants to feel more safe and still have the same feel/functionality of the original SP3 screen.
Screen protector seems to be a personal preference. The Gorilla glass layer is the screen protector. I say No additional is needed. I don't have concrete dust and grit on my hands when using the device so I don't think there's going to be any damage. If I drop it on its face and or step on it a screen protector wont likely help.
I've never used a screen protector on any device and haven't had a problem. Until a month or so ago. My HTC 8X suddenly has a 3/8" scratch down the middle. Don't know how/where/why/when it happened but I have it. Arrghhh!!
I figured if it could happen to my 8x then why not my SP3? So I popped for the Zagg Glass Screen protector. I've seen one before on a HTC M8 and I liked it. It cost $50 at Best Buy (love them by way, other threads be damned). It cost another $7 for them to put it on. I love it! You can't tell that it's on. It feels like the regular SP3 glass screen. Probably because it's glass. The pen feels normal. I have no issues writing with it.
Zagg marketing claims that if you shatter the screen you will only shatter the glass screen protector layer. Supposedly, the layered glass screen protector will shatter and prevent the actual SP3 from shattering also. I don't care to test this.
I would recommend a glass screen protector to anyone who wants to feel more safe and still have the same feel/functionality of the original SP3 screen.
I don’t recommend you do this. Soap residue will build up and leave a film to cause clouding. Some people use a diluted solution of isopropyl alcohol but that can strip protective coatings on the screen which can also cause clouding. A 60/40 mix of white vinegar and distilled water is the safest solution to use, (IMHO).Keep in mind I clean my screen(s) (on all my devices) weekly with a very damp soapy rag.
Been doing it for years with no problem at all...I will maybe try out the Zagg glass protectorScreen protectors are not necessary, but it's still a nice thing to have for peace of mind in the OCD for some of us. They are better suited to devices that have an open screen like a smartphone or car navigation. Less so for devices with covers like SP3. But with that being said, I do use a screen protector on my Sp3
If you do decide to use one, be sure to do your homework because there are all sorts of types: matte/glossy, anti-fingerprint, anti-scratch/puncture, antimicrobial, self-healing, blue light cut, fluoropolymer coated, etc. Just be aware that generally, the more features a screen protector has, the less optical clarity you will get. And with a display as pretty as the SP3, you should be aiming for something above 95%. Also, most screen protectors will affect pen use. Some are more bearable than others so it’s a matter of trying them out or trusting reviews/word-of-mouth.
I don’t recommend you do this. Soap residue will build up and leave a film to cause clouding. Some people use a diluted solution of isopropyl alcohol but that can strip protective coatings on the screen which can also cause clouding. A 60/40 mix of white vinegar and distilled water is the safest solution to use, (IMHO).
If by “visibility” you mean clarity and luminosity, then yes, they are reduced with matte screen protectors. The technology that reduces glare on the screen also reduces and scatters light coming out of it. In the end, as with most things, it comes down to personal preference.I actually like the feel of those matted screen protectors but I'm sure those reduce visibility even further than the clear ones...
I don't see where they even have one for surface models.If anyone's looking for glass protector, do check out MIME Ghost Glass. They have replacement warranty should yours get broken (the MIME, not the SP3)