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Hello, I bought new SP1 Pro 128GB and before I start using it i would like to ask a few questions about recovering. I'm ok with only 89GB free storage so I do not want remove my recovery partition.

1.How looks recovering when I break my system? Need I make before some boot usb?

2.What will be when I update Win8 to Win8.1? Will recovery partiton also update to Win8.1? If not, Will I be able to recovery from 8.1 to 8?

3.What when I someday install Win9? Like before will it update to Win9 recovery partition and if not will I able to recovery to 8?
Hi Diana, welcome to the forum!

As far as recovery goes, SP1 can create a bootable USB recovery drive. You can create the drive, and then afterwards you will have to choice to leave the recovery partition on the SP1 intact, or remove it from the SP1.

Here are the directions- http://www.microsoft.com/surface/en-us/support/storage-files-and-folders/create-a-recovery-drive

As far as questions 1 and 2, I'm not sure. If I find the answer I'll let you know, or hopefully someone else will chime in here with the answer.
But I want take everythink on usb. If there is recovery partition my question is how use it when I break system and what happens after update/change system?
You should make a recovery USB for safety in the event the system could not be booted from the SSD. The system can be recovered from the built in recovery partition in most cases though.

There are two main options.
1. Refresh without affecting your files -
Note your Documents, Pictures. Downloads and other Directories would still be intact. Additionally Store apps would be reinstalled. other apps like Office and apps you installed from downloads or media will not be reinstalled but a list of apps not installed will be left on the desktop.

2. Reset to factory defaults which removes everything and reinstalls Windows.
This is just what it says, nothing is saved or reinstalled. The system is wiped and only Windows is reinstalled. Additionally there is an option to do a secure erase before installing Windows.

Unless you go through a custom process to update the Recovery partition then Recovering will always return the original installed version (Windows 8 for an SP1). This would be true even if you install Windows 8.1 or 9. Then after recovering you would have to go through the update to 8.1 or 9.
So when my system won't run, without recovery usb I will not able to use recovery partition on ssd?
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If windows crashes and can't restart it should go to recovery mode prompt or you can force it into advanced recovery mode.

In most cases you should be able to recover without the Recovery USB as long as your recovery partition is good and assuming the SSD is alive and no other hardware failures. With either a hardware failure or SSD failure recovery likely wouldn't work even from USB.

You can start Recovery - from windows, from start screen, using the volume and power switches.

If Windows won't start or boot see this process
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Can I make recovery usb then just cut everything on my pc hdd and then when my syrface won't work, just again cut it on usb and this will be work? Or I need do something to make this usb again bootable? Or I must make image?
So when my system won't run, without recovery usb I will not able to use recovery partition on ssd?

If yes, can I make recovery usb then just cut everything on my pc hdd and then when my syrface won't work, just again cut it on usb and this will be work? Or I need do something to make this usb again bootable? Or I must make image?

Well, I would not do that because the extra steps are introducing opportunities for error. In theory yes you could save an image of the USB and recreate it when the time comes. I'd just point out Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will at the most inopportune time. Murphy was an optimist.