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Purpose of the SP3 forum?

Here is what I think. If you don't like the SP and you want to return it, fine, if you want to come and share your reasons, fine. But to come over here, a forum specialized in these devices where people come asking for help and receive help, telling others that you returned it because you prefer or because the MacBook works better for you and your needs seems to me a little bit of out of place and insulting.

Like others said. If this is a wide generic topic forum about Tablets or laptops that would be a topic that you expect there and that's the reason why I personally do not participate on those because your personal preference and needs are things that I really do not find useful.

I come here to help and learn.

When I switched my iPad for my Surface I did not go to a Apple forum telling everybody about it. That's a personal decision that I took and nobody knows better than me what are my needs.

Right now I'm wasting my time miserably writing something totally useless. I prefer to invest my time helping others or learning from others about these devices. No about MacBooks or iPads.

I began to participate here because this forum is called Surface forum and will leave the forum the day it becomes a generic forum. I just don't need that type of information.
I find some comparisons very informative, particularly the one that Microsoft made to the Macbook Air.

I never purchased or used the Air, only the MBP. I had no idea that the MBA was so popular as shown at Microsoft SP3 launch. It seemed underpowered for my needs.

I also never really understood the near cult like following of the Apple crowd. The PC, in my opinion, has more software and hardware choices and doesn't quite lock the user into an eco-system.

With all that said, I did purchase a MBP after having frustrating experiences trying to tweak Windows (XP) to behave with professional sound software.

The Mac version just worked with no tweaking. I have gone to learn how to work on the Mac for other purposes but again, do 90% of my work on the PC after I purchased the SP3.

This is the extent of my Mac use.

I was looking for a portable, semi-powerful replacement to my huge MBP and preferably windows.

The original Surface Pro fit that need perfectly and allowed me to use the MBP only for its specific purpose (Sound Software).

When the SP3 was announced with it's incredible screen, form factor, same or better CPU options and improved battery life...it was a no brainer.

I did experience some issues and found this forum. A bonus was that I was able to compare and relate to the SP3 use vs the Mac via posts here. I found there was very little the SP3 couldn't do for my needs.

I did return it for software related issues and one hardware problem. I ordered the I7 256 model and hope to have better luck with it, but concerned about it being slower than the I5 model.

There are other forums that discuss the SP3, but this forum had a wider overall discussion of the SP3. One that included the SP3 and people discussing their moving from the Mac.

There is a need for this information and apparently others have voiced their opinion as well.
I think these threads are really a testament of the quality of the SP3. Most of the complaints are fairly shallow and empty. Comments like 'I prefer OSX' or 'Microsoft Screwed up' without listing any sort of details are really nothing more than personal biases and opinions. I say let people complain away because it doesn't take anything away from the merit of the product. Saying this I like the idea of sectioning off these conversations into a different areas. Otherwise it generates to much clutter here. It's also amazing how certain people are now attacking the forum itself. Why on earth are they still hanging around. Let me help you out and redirect you to forums sites that might be more to your liking.

There is a need for this information and apparently others have voiced their opinion as well.

Unfortunately for you the majority of the users participating in this thread are expressing the contrary.

And they seems to know where to find "comparisons" when they want that type of things.
I think Jnjroach DID his job, that was never the concern. I was just surprised that a post about why someone returned the SP3 brought out so many "get off our forum" comments.

I definitely do not want to ban or report anyone. Just thought it was odd that a general post, which I thought was informative took such a bad turn.
@ctitanic ....that was not my intent in the post. I find 99% of what you post extremely informative and helpful but I do think how Jnjroach initially warned the members to keep it civil and offer his alternatives was the best solution.
I think Jnjroach DID his job, that was never the concern. I was just surprised that a post about why someone returned the SP3 brought out so many "get off our forum" comments.

I definitely do not want to ban or report anyone. Just thought it was odd that a general post, which I thought was informative took such a bad turn.

Well, I hope that you learned from that experience and now from this totally useless one for anyone looking for how to use Surface or help with their problems.

Most of your post was way off base. None of the moderators are taking sides, far from it. To call any of us FanBoys is ludicrous. I also think you read jnjroach totally wrong re WP Central. If you are having a problem with civil discourse then we may have a real problem. Comparisons are OK but no bashing of other products. It's uncalled for.

We have never deleted a post here just because it was negative and there are plenty of them here but you also need to know where to draw a line. Moderators and Admins are here to maintain order, which is what we are attempting to do.
@ctitanic ....that was not my intent in the post. I find 99% of what you post extremely informative and helpful but I do think how Jnjroach initially warned the members to keep it civil and offer his alternatives was the best solution.

Well, I thought that Jeff's action to move the thread to "off topic" was a compromise that I could live with.

If I was him I would have ended the whole thing a lot earlier deleting the whole thread. Democracy laws do not apply to forums in case that you don't know that. You came voluntarily and it's your choice if you stay here in case that you don't like either the rules or topic. At least that's what I do. Like I said the day when this becomes a generic forum I'll stop coming.
Well, I hope that you learned from that experience and now from this totally useless one for anyone looking for how to use Surface or help with their problems.

What I learned was that, not everyone has the same experience and it all can be relevant without trying to own a forum.

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