Thanks Very Helpful!!
By the way how do you get that sort level from the Driver Store?
Again Thanks!!
Glad that helps, good to know I've done something actually useful!
Sorting the Driver Store--I was afraid someone would ask that question.
Short answer: I used an obscure and convoluted hack.
Real answer: I had previously installed Cygwin64, a very handy unix-like toolbox. I'd also installed the Windows version of TclTk 8.6.1, another handy tool. First I used tclsh at a command prompt to calculate the number of days since the directories in Driver Store had been modified (i.e., installed):
% / [- [clock seconds] [clock scan "2013-08-22"]] [* 24 3600]
% / [- [clock seconds] [clock scan "2013-09-18"]] [* 24 3600]
Then using the Cygwin shell, after cd to the Power Store directory, the find.exe and wc.exe utilities were employed to compute the number of directories in Driver Store for each number of days calculated above:
$ /bin/find.exe . -maxdepth "1" -mtime "+162" | wc -l
$ /bin/find.exe . -maxdepth "1" -mtime "135" | wc -l
Using find.exe here is a little tricky because I only wanted the count of directories not the files in the directory, hence "maxdepth" is 1. The modification time parameter "mtime" is 0-based, so the number of days is reduced by 1. "find" outputs a list of text lines, one name per line, and the list is piped to "wc" ("Word Count") . The wc command with the "-l" switch outputs the count of lines piped into it.
Now that looks a lot more complicated that it was to do. I'm quite sure there are better ways to do the task, but I'm not so familiar with the corresponding Windows tools, like PowerShell. I'll eventually learn PS (which was inspired by tools like Tcl). ATM I used what I know, pretty quick and a bit dirty though it might be.
Well, now you know the gory--and scary--details...