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Please, anyone's help . In need of Surface Pro Recovery Image.

. . . it appears to have several SWM files inside sources folder. Do I need to combine those files to a WIM file?

Poom --

As I stated in previous post, those files are exactly as produced by the Pro's "Create Recovery" system. Do not do anything to them. Put all the files on a USB drive (without the "Surface Recovery" folder) and boot to that drive. Everything should happen automatically from there. I have not done this before, because I have not had occasion to "recover" my Pro, but I believe that is how it works.

I will be up for a while if you have any more questions, or, perhaps someone who has done it before can help.

Good luck,

Richard --

You can have it if you post me your email (PM suggested), but since you have a Pro, it's probably easier to make your own. All you need is an 8GB USB drive. Go to Search - Recovery - /Settings/Create a recovery drive.

I suspect that you can create one in less time than you can download 7 Gigs of stuff from the web.


That's what I mention Russ, sorry for the misunderstanding . I was saying I make USB type backs on just about every device I use , that is if it lets me, if not...throw in that neat little intel clone for a ssd, I run my windows 8 pro on my ssd drive only takes seconds to boot up. Then use the other 2 , 2 Terabit drives. Looking for an intel 520 model, 480 gig, but just about every where I look, sold out or not in stock. I get one!

Thanks for the reply though....have a good one....ok!
Russ ---

Thanks for the prompt response.
I've just finished factory recovery. I'll tell you the steps I have done:
1. I formatted USB drive as FAT32, then copy all files and folders inside "Surface Recovery Folder" to USB stick.
2.Go to Setting--->General--->Remove every thing and Reinstall windows, Then I choose completely clean install.
3. After done this thing, I have a new windows 8 pro with Surface logo on my device. Everything is fine.
But one thing I don't understand is: why the key is the same as the old windows that I have activated(this key I found on internet). I mean, Regarding piracy, I want my surface install the legal key, because I afraid that this key someday Microsoft will detect as illegal.

Many thanks,
Russ, ---

The good news...
I have already done. It works!
Thank you ever so much for your great help and fantastic stuff.
Since, I booted from usb stick directly without going to settings.
I can even activate online.

Thanks and thanks again. You save my life.

Take care,
It works!

Poom --

That is what we wanted to hear. That is good news, indeed!

I'm not sure I understand your concern about the product key. Your product key should be the same as before. It came with the Surface Pro. The key is identified with your particular machine, and should activate online without any trouble.

I'm glad I could help and happy that it worked. Now you get to spend a day catching up on all the updates.

Take care,
Looking for an intel 520 model, 480 gig, but just about every where I look, sold out or not in stock.

Richard --

That is a great little drive. It is what I run in my "main" computer. Amazon currently reports 2 in stock at this link:
Amazon Intel 520, 480GB

I run the Intel SSD as my C: drive, with all program material on it. All data is stored on separate drives. That works for me because I'm always moving stuff around. My backup system sounds similar. I make a complete, bootable clone of of my boot drive. That way, if I do something really dumb (which I have been known to do) or if the SHTF, I can always go back to that point in time. My data backup lives in my shop, which is physically separate from the house. I have Cat5 cable running out to the shop, so backup is easy.

But one thing I don't understand is: why the key is the same as the old windows that I have activated(this key I found on internet). I mean, Regarding piracy, I want my surface install the legal key, because I afraid that this key someday Microsoft will detect as illegal.
The product key on the Surface Pro is embedded in the UEFI on the motherboard. Nothing to worry about there. If you want to find your key, you can use this utility : KeyFinder | Magical Jelly Bean
Hey Russ , thanks for the tip, last time I looked at amazon they were all sold out. I want to clone my 240 ssd to the intel 520 model with 480 gigs. That should be enough to keep win 8 happy and do a little registry tweaking to put folders on 1 of 2 terabits drives I have running on my monster desktop I built. 3.6 intel zeon, water cooled, x79 asus deluxe mb and to many other things to meantion.
I am really glad to hear that.
Actually, My surface pro brought from USA by store in Thailand.
Anyway.I will give it a try. and i think it won't have any problem.
By the way, Whenever you upload completely., Please send me the download link via my Email: poom_mp@yahoo.com

I look forward to hearing from you soon

Many Thanks and Thank you very much for your precious time.


i have the same problem, cause i´ve lost and erased the recovery image. i am wondering if you still have that link with that recovery image, it will be so helpful for me.

Hope you do have it, anyway, any comment will be well received. Thank you