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Opening/Closing Type Cover


New Member
Noticing a couple things.

I closed my type cover and peeked to see if the screen turns off. It does after a couple seconds so I assumed it went to sleep. I put the SP3 in my bag for a couple hours. When I took it out, the device was warm and I lost a lot of battery which led me to believe the device may have not been sleeping. Since then, I now press the power button to sleep it before closing the type cover and have not experienced it again.

When I open the type cover, the device does not wake up. I always have to press the power button. It does not matter if the device is asleep for 5 minutes or 5 hours, the screen does not turn on when I open the type cover. I mention the duration of sleep since I read that the device goes through different stages of sleep/hibernation.

Has anyone experienced this with opening/closing the type cover? I'm still within my 15 day return if I have to exchange anything. Its not a huge deal that I have to press the power button. I had the original surface RT and had no problems with opening/closing the type cover.

My device is updated with latest firmware and other updates from microsoft.
My Surface Pro 2 exhibits the same behavior. The Type Cover never seems to work properly when it comes to putting the device to sleep. So I use the power button like you.
Its a Connected Standby machine, the default behavior is for it to inter S0iX power state, pressing a key can wake up the device, and some programs (especially legacy Win32 Applications) can prevent the device from entering S0iX. So if it waking in your bag, get a well fitting sleeve to put the SP3 in so that the cover doesn't open a bit and when it closes again a key press wakes it...
How about opening the type cover? Do your machines wake up? Similar to Kodos and his SP2, I have to use the power button each time. This is fine, but I am just curious if something is not working as intended.
How about opening the type cover? Do your machines wake up? Similar to Kodos and his SP2, I have to use the power button each time. This is fine, but I am just curious if something is not working as intended.
No, simply opening the cover does not wake it up; pressing a key or the power button does.
What he said ;) There is a reason it is setup not to wake on keyboard opening, specifically so it doesn't wake accidently in transport.....I always use my shift key to wake it up not sure why but that is what I do...
Its a Connected Standby machine, the default behavior is for it to inter S0iX power state, pressing a key can wake up the device, and some programs (especially legacy Win32 Applications) can prevent the device from entering S0iX. So if it waking in your bag, get a well fitting sleeve to put the SP3 in so that the cover doesn't open a bit and when it closes again a key press wakes it...

Both the Surface 2 and the Pro 3 have connected Standby, a good thing but if anything crashes it can get hot or drain your battery very quick.

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