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New SP4 firmware out

Well, not everything completely rosy yet. Just had it fail to come out of sleep, thus I had to hard power down (ie. hold the power button for 15 seconds). In terms of what could have caused it, if I had to guess, it was a problem with the Intel graphics drivers since, this time, I put it into sleep while a video was full screen.
Mine comes out of sleep automatically if it's been in sleep for about an hour or so. Longer than that and I usually have to push the power button. It just requires one push (and no other buttons with it) so it's not a big deal, but it would be nicer if it would wake up automatically every time like my iPad.
Mine comes out of sleep automatically if it's been in sleep for about an hour or so. Longer than that and I usually have to push the power button. It just requires one push (and no other buttons with it) so it's not a big deal, but it would be nicer if it would wake up automatically every time like my iPad.
In advanced power settings you can extend that time. The default would have been 2 hours but you can set it for longer before it goes into deep sleep.
Left home with assumed 100% from leaving the house this morning. I took it off charge and connected the keyboard and made sure it didn't turn on, black screen, no Hello light on, etc.

Go to lunch and hit the power button and screen is stuck on Surface logo. I had to hold down to shut off and when it comes on, battery is at 83%.

This is the second time this has happened since the update. I figured the first was just not making sure the screen was off when I closed the cover. This wasn't happening before the update.
Thank you all for posting current stability. I jumped into the SB pool in November, and then got back out in Jan frustrated. I am waiting for 'stability' to jump back in with a SP4.

Amazed at all the issues after having a great SP and SP3 it was so disappointing to be frustrated with SB.

P.s. Anyone know where all the returned units are going? I do not see any 'refurbished' units around.

I cannot attest to the location of returned units - sure would be nice to grab a refurbished unit and a fraction of the cost. I can tell you this much. I bought my Sp4 i7 in December and I have had ZerO issues with it. I truly feel bad for folks having issues, but I am also glad I have had no issues at all. I would find a store that has a liberal return policy, buy one, take it home and update it. You will know immediately if you are going to have issues, and if you do - of course take it back and exchange it until you get one that's perfectly stable. I would assume - that there were some manufacturing issues with some of them, quality control failed somewhere along the line and a mass number of units got shipped with these defects. I am so happy I got lucky - However - Had I spent $2000.00 for a machine, took it home and ran into issues galore, I would have been very upset. Ok - Rant over.
Ahh that interesting, the MSI version was not available yesterday when I downloaded the files, only the zip file. I will give the msi a try now
Ahh that interesting, the MSI version was not available yesterday when I downloaded the files, only the zip file. I will give the msi a try now

Here is what I do - I click on the install file, and even if it says they are installed - I uninstall, reboot, re-install just to make sure I got them. This is what mine looks like after the install. I hope this helps.


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From reading these 8 pages of hope and despair, it appears that the 2/17/16 updates are not quite the magic pill everyone was hoping for. While some SP4 owners are pleased, others are not and still others are experiencing even new problems. Sleep is a persistent and inconsistent issue.

As MS said at the end of last year, it's a "complicated computer science problem." Hopefully the March update will be closer to a complete solution.

In the meantime, I'm still hibernating instead of sleeping. I find this workaround only a minor inconvenience and am, so far, happy with my SP4.
Couple of issue here since the firmware update. I am experiencing restart problems about 50% of the time. I get the SURFACE logo but no loading circle underneath. Tjhis requires a press and hold of the power button until the screen clears to enable a correct book.
Occasionaly I have had an issue with the computer locking up on the blue restarting screen.
Additionally my battery time seems to be considerably worse.
Waking from sleep however, is improved.