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My SP3 froze in a meeting

Hmmm... Macs may crash, but they crash a mere fraction of the time that this thing does. I have to reboot my SP3 at least once a day, and frankly it's getting old.
What's happening? Why do you need to reboot it? I'm not saying it's perfect, or I cannot make it to crash if I work on it ( ;) ), but IMHO it is somewhat more stable than either SP1 or SP2.
What's happening? Why do you need to reboot it? I'm not saying it's perfect, or I cannot make it to crash if I work on it ( ;) ), but IMHO it is somewhat more stable than either SP1 or SP2.

My SP2 overall was much more stable to use. Kinda wishing I'd kept it.
What's happening? Why do you need to reboot it? I'm not saying it's perfect, or I cannot make it to crash if I work on it ( ;) ), but IMHO it is somewhat more stable than either SP1 or SP2.

It was my fault. I had an old proprietary piece of software that didn't play well with Windows 8. It had nothing to do with the Surface. I apologize for getting all flustered about my experience, but when you add this to the wifi and other issues (which seem to have been solved) it just got the best of me. Since removing the culprit software I have been fine.
Ouch....I don't use Adobe...DrawboardPDF has been rock solid for me even when using it with books that have 4000-5000 pages (68MB File Size).

+1 for Drawboard PDF. It opened my pdfs just fine and it has many good features. Also Pen/Touch friendly which is nice.
1. Chrome is UNBEARABLY slow on the Surface. Scrolling is incredibly laggy.
I agree that the Surface line has its share of problems, and I think that the SP3 is moving in a wrong direction, but I think that these are unfair comments. The Chrome issues are Chrome issues not surface issues. Chrome is just not the best browser to use. It s a battery hog and has issues with high DPI screen. IE is easiest on the battery, but I just can't stand it. Firefox is not quite as efficient but it is pretty good and works quite well on the Surface.

Microsoft says themselves that their device can replace a laptop, so long as discussion revolves around comparing these two devices, I see no reason why this conversation is inappropriate.
I agree. These topics can useful for people in deciding whether the Surface is suitable for their particular uses. No one should take offense at, and threads shouldn't be close for comparing the Surface to other products

Macmee, you don't even own a SP3 so your comments are pure speculation. Perhaps you should keep your comments on the SPro2 forum until you get your Sp3 i7.
This is just unfair. Forums such as this are not just for owners of the device, but also for prospective purchasers. I like the idea of the Surface Pros (and own an SP1 and SP2), but MS has stumbled in their execution. I think that MS's obsession with chasing the iPad form factor is detrimental to the brand requiring too many tradeoffs.

I really don't know if MS monitors communities such as this, but I would hope MS will come to understand the issues preventing many from upgrading to the SP3 and work to rectify them. I would like to think that the MVPs are not only advocates for MS products, but also have MS's ear and could relay the concerns of prospective purchasers back to MS - perhaps that is just naive...
I use MacBooks and surfaces and I'm deciding if I should wait for the retina macbook or go for a SP3 and I've said in one of my posts above/in the other thread that Apple also incurs problems presently and historically. If these people can't handle someone saying that a macbook and a surface are two competitive products and each have tradeoffs, then maybe these people shouldn't be posting on the forum at all. Microsoft says themselves that their device can replace a laptop, so long as discussion revolves around comparing these two devices, I see no reason why this conversation is inappropriate.
Macmee - This thread is about an application that froze the OS, I will allow some tangential conversations but this line of debate helps no one and does more to degrade the community. We're seeing this same behavior in multiple threads from multiple members. If you want a dedicated thread for MBA vs. SP3 start one, use the word OPINION or DEBATE in the title, at least that way people know what they we'll be reading....
Ouch....I don't use Adobe...DrawboardPDF has been rock solid for me even when using it with books that have 4000-5000 pages (68MB File Size).

When opening and reading large PDF's files, does Drawboard load and renders them a lot faster than other PDF apps?