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Microsoft Wireless Diplay

Picked mine up Saturday but was unable to use it due to not being able to download the app (Metro Store was having issues). The store finally got their issues squared away and got to try it out Sunday, this thing is slick. Checked out pictures on it, video, browsing, launching Photoshop... was pretty impressed and everything looked great on my 4K Samsung and minimal lag. Going to order another one to keep in my bag so I don't have to keep grabbing it off the TV. These would make great Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers.
ok so here is my impressions, it's easy to connect and use off the bat, but I do find there is a bit of a lag with the mouse and writing stuff too, watching videos there is no lag and the image looks crisp and clear.. BUT playing a game you can forget it as it can't handle the amount of data it needs to project an image on the tv.. just look at my pic to see what I'm talking about... I would say this is good for moderate view of stuff and isn't worth the high price tag IMHO... but I'm going to keep mine for the kool factor and wows.. btw that's just my 32" 1080p lcd TV I can imagine bigger TV's having more trouble! :confused: also I don't like the fact that it changes my resolution to 1080p on the SP3... wish it kept different and proper rez for each...

EDIT: ok so I restarted my SP3 and then tried a couple of metro games and they do work... I tried modern combat5 and it worked pretty good with little mouse lag, but that might be the settings I did when I was playing Just Cause 2 and the mouse was going all over the place due to too much sensitivity so I lowered the settings.. also played bejeweled and it played well...


  • 2014-11-17 14.02.40-2.jpg
    2014-11-17 14.02.40-2.jpg
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That's probably why I can't get it to work..

No problem, I'll just hook up the Chromecast and call it a day. I'd rather beam / stream from my phone anyway..

Mucho thanks.
Why do you need to extend the screen then? Why not just duplicate the screen so both the surface and the TV are Identical?