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March Firmware Update is......back!

Actually, I need to correct something. When I looked this AM it shows the Feb FW available, not the March. I could have sworn it was the March FW available previously. This is very odd that I keep getting different FW's being available. Will still refrain from installing the Feb FW at this point.
I just checked and I have the Feb firmware appear on my side. I have installed March one before.
Don't know if I should do it. March caused me 0 problem.
Actually, I need to correct something. When I looked this AM it shows the Feb FW available, not the March. I could have sworn it was the March FW available previously. This is very odd that I keep getting different FW's being available. Will still refrain from installing the Feb FW at this point.

Look at the updates that have been installed. I bet the March is gone because it installed itself.
Look, we might like to think our SP2, ect are all the same but they aren't. We all modify our computers as we use them. It seldom happens in mass but occasionally an update will affect one computer out of thousands and not because the update was a bad update but more then likely because of some slight configuration difference the one had. I see that a lot of people that are vocal about not doing updates to their Surfaces are being way to conservative. Live and let live. I hope they aren't being so conservative they aren't getting their Defender antivirus software updates everyday before they use them.
Look, we might like to think our SP2, ect are all the same but they aren't. We all modify our computers as we use them. It seldom happens in mass but occasionally an update will affect one computer out of thousands and not because the update was a bad update but more then likely because of some slight configuration difference the one had. I see that a lot of people that are vocal about not doing updates to their Surfaces are being way to conservative. Live and let live. I hope they aren't being so conservative they aren't getting their Defender antivirus software updates everyday before they use them.

I checked and there are NO firmware updates listed in my history. Also, I have downloaded and installed every other type of update (like the Defender updates) that have come along, just avoiding the FW updates. If my computer is working fine, and a percentage of people are having issues when they download the FW updates, why risk it? This is my work computer during the week, so I really can't "Live and let live" or I'm dead in the water when it comes to work. So, I'll play it safe until some FW update comes along that is a deal changer, or, if I start to have some other issues.
It's understandable when your Surface is the only work computer you have to be cautious. I may be wrong but I didn't think that firmware updates came out just to fix problems. I thought they also make improvements that are well worth the installing. It would be nice if they did describe what the firmware updates were for.
It's understandable when your Surface is the only work computer you have to be cautious. I may be wrong but I didn't think that firmware updates came out just to fix problems. I thought they also make improvements that are well worth the installing. It would be nice if they did describe what the firmware updates were for.

I agree....they seem like a bit of a mystery to me. But, if one of these firmware updates were to come out with something that would be advantageous, I would likely wait to see how it went with others, and then give it a try. But, if the disclosed updates weren't any improvement that I thought were worth the risk, I'd say thanks but no thanks. It might get to a point where I have no choice but to add them, but, we'll see.
I had already installed the March FW update but since yesterday i am seeing a feb FW update available in my windows update , what i dont understand is how come a feb update came after the march one has been installed.
Microsoft pulled the March firmware, and offering (unlike December firmware fiasco) the ability to go back to the old one if you want/need to.
I guess they implemented the ability to go backwards in firmwares at some point would be my guess.
I just got an SP2 swap yesterday and it only "found" the 2/11 firmware update. Rumors of the re-release of the 3/11 firmware update have been greatly exaggerated. For entertainment purposes here's what you would have if the 3/11 unicorn actually existed
Microsoft Surface Pro 2 update history | Surface firmware updates
•Surface Pro UEFI (v2.04.0450) improves experience when using BitLocker so that a Surface Cover can provide PIN input.
•Surface Touch Cover 2 Firmware Update Device (v2.0.262.0) update improves multiple finger support on the touchpad.
•Surface Type Cover 2 Firmware Update Device (v2.0.262.0) update improves multiple finger support on the touchpad.
•Surface Power Cover Firmware Update Device (v2.0.268.0) provides support for Surface Power Cover.
•Surface Cover Telemetry (v2.0.229.0) improves stability and experience for Surface Covers.
•Marvell AVASTAR 350N Wireless Network Controller (v14.69.24052.168) resolves wireless network connectivity issues.
•Marvell AVASTAR Wireless Composite Device (v14.69.24052.168) improves Miracast support.
•Marvell AVASTAR Bluetooth ®Radio Adapter (v14.69.24052.168) updated as part of a driver package that includes the Marvell Wireless Network Controller and Marvell Wireless Composite Device. There are no Bluetooth updates in this version of the driver.
•Intel(R) Display Audio (v6.16.00.3135) improves Miracast support.
•Intel(R) HD Graphics Family (v10.18.10.3431) improves Miracast support and enables daisy chaining of monitors using DisplayPort 1.2.
•Intel WiDi Audio Device (v4.5.44.0) improves Miracast support.

And FWIW the replacement SP2 I just got crashes as frequently (6 times today) as the one I am returning, but with a twist - the new one's event viewer is littered with failed to resume from hibernate errors (each one is accompanied by a last restart was unexpected error). Through a process that only MS could invent I now have a machine that is worse than the one I had. This is a "new" bare-bones out-of-the -box machine with only Windows Updates applied - I have not even bothered to install apps or programs on it yet, there's no point
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I just got an SP2 swap yesterday and it only "found" the 2/11 firmware update. Rumors of the re-release of the 3/11 firmware update have been greatly exaggerated. For entertainment purposes here's what you would have if the 3/11 unicorn actually existed...

I have a 111.5MB unicorn wanting to install itself, dated 11th March.
Don't have the courage to install it though :)

Thanks for the update Rvacha, and sorry to hear about your problems. Despite having some minor issues, mine's running smoothly so I'll skip March for now.
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