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Logitech K810 keyboard and 9/9/14 firmware update

for the keyboard it's usefull the forum of Logitech too, was full of peoples and answer, and mainly are the peoples/users to solve most of the issues than the Logitech support, for what I read in the past days :)) May be is more an issue to address to Logitech than to Microsoft, Logitech is smaller and the owner or the device (and reputation) damaged, they should activate immediately and contact Microsoft to repair to this issue. I see that the K810 and T630 are very popular devices! I searched a lot and on the market there is not so much bluetooh+micro usb recharge without batteries, I tried some Chinese mouse but was very bad. And keyboards very hard to find, I found only Logitech (illuminated, I'm not interested in non-illuminated).
I see what you're saying but it's really Microsoft's problem. They broke it and now they need to fix it. My K810 works flawlessly on a Windows 7 Lenovo laptop and an iPad.
ha ha, I understand, the problem is that Microsoft has too many issue to fix. But let's hope it's really one of the few, I just need to solve last my issue and then Sp3 will be perfect again. Today worked fine.
Keyboard with setpoint disabled gave less troubles, happened the disconnection only and caps lock stuck only, but not the kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk or unresponsive like when it's enabled the setpoint. If you open setpoint you will see that the keyboard is not listed, and get stuck setpoint when it see the keyboard, then disappear etc,

have you disabled it, yes? however, generally I could work well all the day with the keyboard, the issue it's not so bad at the end, could go even worse........ at least I'm able to work. So let's wait the fix.
I see what you're saying but it's really Microsoft's problem. They broke it and now they need to fix it. My K810 works flawlessly on a Windows 7 Lenovo laptop and an iPad.

My K810 worked flawlessly on the SP3, with Setpoint enabled(!) prior to the 09-09 update ..
Yes, when uninstalling Setpoint, the K810 starts to work again. And yes, everything worked here also prior to that 9/9 update.
Did the same thing - uninstalled set point and now the keyboard works. Only been using it for about an 30min so far, but working well.
I never installed the Setpoint software and I've having problems with the Caps Lock key and the keyboard randomly losing connection (daily). I have to turn the keyboard on and off to get it to re-sync. I actually tried installing the Setpoint software to see if it would fix my issues. The Setpoint software wouldn't recognize the keyboard and generally make things worst. Regardless the issue is deeper then just the Setpoint software.
Hey Kif

Just thought id add that this might not be specific to Bluetooth, or your keyboard etc. I had the type cover attached about an hour ago, and simply alt f4'd a program, the machine went nuts. You know when you alt f4 and it sometimes just throws up the shot down, hibernate popup box, well mine just freaked out and was opening and closing it at a million billion instances a second. Couldn't close it, just sat there flickering as it opened and closed the pop up non stop. Seems something is up with the most recent update.