Active Member
This is why we can find peace in this forum. Anything outside of here, reviewers are being dicks.
I seriously don't understand the complaints people have about how underpowered the Surface RT is. It works great for me. Its not perfect and I have a few apps that lag and are slow to open, but nothing I didn't experience on my old iPad. I've compared app launch times between my desktops at home and my Surface RT and all the apps I have checked are within 2 seconds except maybe Xbox music. It was pretty slow on 8.0, but the version in 8.1 is a billion times better. I just don't see this device as being the slow dog people keep saying it is - and I'm one of the people who always refused to use a atom netbook. Those things were seriously slow.
This is why we can find peace in this forum. Anything outside of here, reviewers are being dicks.
I seriously don't understand the complaints people have about how underpowered the Surface RT is. It works great for me. Its not perfect and I have a few apps that lag and are slow to open, but nothing I didn't experience on my old iPad. I've compared app launch times between my desktops at home and my Surface RT and all the apps I have checked are within 2 seconds except maybe Xbox music. It was pretty slow on 8.0, but the version in 8.1 is a billion times better. I just don't see this device as being the slow dog people keep saying it is - and I'm one of the people who always refused to use a atom netbook. Those things were seriously slow.
Everyone of the Tech Pundits have grown tired of a MS dominated world, most journalists (I know its a stretch to call most of them that...) use Apple products personally so they would love MS to become the next IBM. They compare the MS Store (Which has 100,000 Apps now) to the 5 year old Apple App Store and the 4 year old Google Play. Heck the new editor of PC World is the current editor of Mac World and is doing both.
Microsoft has found them in a interesting spot, they are being bashed by the Windows Traditionalists (Paul T. and the like) who are in love with the desktop (even transparent windows and Aero) who scream...don't forget we built you MS and we don't want no Tablet Crap on our desktops and laptops, and by golly we want a cascading menu system and if we can't we going to whine....whine...whine (these are the users that MS has placated for too long and have them 3-5 years behind and needing to catch up).
The you have the journalists who love all that Apple an/or Google trashing MS for even having a desktop because you know, phone OS tablets have no desktop and heck Apple gives 80% functionality to Office and I have no idea what a Pivot Table is so no one would ever use it....so MS is stupid and should just die already...
The there is that silent group that sometimes trickles in here (to a warm welcome I might add ) that have 3-5 year old PCs that still do their PC-y stuff well enough and they haven't bought a new one because they bought a $200-$600 iPad/Android Tablet for fun stuff. Then there is the bread and butter Enterprise Crowd (IT Pros and Developers who still like legacy Access Run Times) who have written millions of dollars of code that we only run 32bit XP, that survived the Great Recession and/or EU austerity Programs who are trying to get 12 months more...
Most people who have actually used RT for any length of time discover that it is great companion device that accomplishes that 90% of what is needed (iPads/Android Tablets are usually 60-80%). With 8.1 RT we reach 95%...
Tech journalism is full of Apple Fans or people who long for the Richard Stallman GNU fantasy world...<rant over>
Most people who have actually used RT for any length of time discover that it is great companion device that accomplishes that 90% of what is needed (iPads/Android Tablets are usually 60-80%). With 8.1 RT we reach 95%...
For me the Surface didn't replace a laptop - it replaced an iPad. I don't need a lot of power when I'm not at my desk, so I will never carry a laptop. Laptops are just too big and bulky. The Surface RT is everything I wanted the iPad for, but much more capable like a laptop. The Surface is not a full powered laptop, but the device you have with you is worth more than the most powerful device you left at home.I've been using my RT now for 8 months. It doesn't do everything the laptop it replaced did. It does some things it wouldn't. My RT is almost exactly what I wanted it to be. I did buy another laptop to do the few things the RT doesn't and it should last forever, because I don't have to use it very much.