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[GIVEAWAY] Surface with Windows RT

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I don't have a facebook page either. If I did I would certainly give the Microsoft Surface page a "like". I hope this does not mean I am ineligible. I love the Surface, and use it for typing up my dissertation, among many other things mostly work related. My 4 year old loves it too.
BIKERDUDE798 here. I was one of the first Canadians to acquire a Surface tablet. I've been iPAD user, but being in the military and on the road plenty, to give presentations, the iPAD was difficult to use... because all Canadian Government makes use of Microsoft Windows. Thank God for the SURFACE. Now I am compatible with the presentation hardware and software and giving presentations is a breeze.
We are currently looking at replacing our business laptops and have looked at tablets and ultrabooks. Portability is a big requirement, however most of our clients are Microsoft users, so the Surface has some compelling reasons for consideration.
I would like to have a Surface to do some windows APP development for my own as im a master student in Computer Science.and Use it as a tablet for daily use (Do internet search, Read e-books, Write Essay and so on).

I hope i can have the chance to get it as a Christmas Gift:p Thanks.
I use my Surface at both work and at home. I'm a lab admin so it's nice to remote into any work ststion/switch from my surface. I watch videos and enjoy music at home. I LOVE THIS THING! :D
Not gonna lie, I'd mostly use this for work (school) but probably wind up using it for play :p It'd be extremely useful to have a lightweight tablet that can do pretty much everything my desktop can do, especially for school. Being able to write/edit papers while on the go will save me A LOT of time, especially (using that word a lot eh?) on my long commute to and from practice. And if I ever need to access something on my desktop, being on the same OS will be mighty helpful. Instead of migrating from Android to Windows to my school's Macs, I can just seamlessly go from Windows to a Windows tablet :p
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