Device Mangler? You mean manager :wink:
Device Mangler might be more appropriate in my case....
Device Mangler? You mean manager :wink:
hi I am new to the forum. Registered here because of the bugs I have... infact this is one of the 2 annoyances I have with the device. Apart fromthis, I love it!
Can someone please confirm to me that this is working for them? I live in the UK and have no way of getting a broken device back to warranty back in the USyey for me.
I have 2.4Ghz connecting at about 40Mbit and 5Ghz just wont behave at all. I am using a BT homehub 5 which is a dual band AC router. The 5Ghz connects at about 6Mbit but really it isn't connected even though I get issued an IP.
The experience is different from user to user depending on the AP that they own. One thing is for sure, it's a software issue and it will be fixed. So you can take it home with confidence it this is the only issue that you have.
Hi Frank. Thanks for the reply. I'll wait for a software update then. Can't wait to see over 200mbit over the WiFi... im having to use the external HDD alot at the moment to pull big files over from the NAS.
So, after many attempts to get a handle o how my brand new SP3 works with the Wifi driver, I have boiled my experiences with the driver down to this regarding the Wifi issues that are plaguing it right now. I can boil down the symptoms as follows:
1. Driver dated 4/24/14: Version 15.68.3036.67 for the Marvell AVASTAR Wireless chip
a. Relatively stable driver, 72bps connections to 2.4Ghz wireless while on line AC power.
b. if the SP3 goes to sleep, the Bluetooth and wireless devices will be gone when you ask the SP3 to wake up.
c. The sleep does not have to be deep
d. This symptom appears about 70% of the time on sleeping
e. If you ask for a driver update (From Devices -> Driver -> update driver) this is shown to be the best available driver
2. If however, you as Windows update to update the system you will get a driver dated 5/5/14: Version 15.68.3040.75 for the Marvell AVASTAR Wireless chip. This driver will exhibit the following behavior:
a. It seems to have fixed the devices being visible on wake up. In that respect it is more reliable
b. The Wifi connectivity, even though the device is there, is very unreliable.
i. When the device is on battery, the wakeup from sleep will result in a widely varying set of behaviors, very slow wifi speeds, making it virtually useless
1. Cycling the wifi on and off will sometimes and randomly restore connectivity somewhat.
2. 2.4 vs. 5 Ghz does not seem to matter much
3. Rebooting, and deep power cycling (volume up and power shutdown) sometimes helps
ii. When the device is on line AC and you power up and stay on line, it is a very stable environment.
Microsoft support will give you a sequence of:
1. Reboot
2. Uninstall the device (save the driver) and let it reinstall
3. Reboot
4. Uninstall the device (save the driver) and let it reinstall
5. Deep power reboot
6. Uninstall the device (save the driver) and let it reinstall
7. Reboot
8. Well it must be a driver problem, we don’t know what to do.
Not terribly helpful
I'd like an official known bugs list from MS and eta's on solutions. It would be a very nice gesture from them to keep us early adopters in the loop. Is there such a thing?