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Well, on a whim I went to the MS store at a local mall, and by local I mean on the other side of the city, and found a Surface 256gb for sale. I was a little disheartened when I was told by the sales rep that it was the 1.6 ghz processor, but to hell with it I thought and bought it anyway.

When I got home first thing I did was to check the system settings and behold, it was the 4300U 1.9 ghz processor. No idea why they thought differently, but so be it.

Anyways, I also purchased the office 365 University edition, set it up and all, but for some reason I can't find an icon anywhere on my machine. Can anyone tell me how I can open the office software?

*feeling like such a noob*
Well, on a whim I went to the MS store at a local mall, and by local I mean on the other side of the city, and found a Surface 256gb for sale. I was a little disheartened when I was told by the sales rep that it was the 1.6 ghz processor, but to hell with it I thought and bought it anyway.

When I got home first thing I did was to check the system settings and behold, it was the 4300U 1.9 ghz processor. No idea why they thought differently, but so be it.

Anyways, I also purchased the office 365 University edition, set it up and all, but for some reason I can't find an icon anywhere on my machine. Can anyone tell me how I can open the office software?

*feeling like such a noob*

Congrats on your new Surface and that's great that it's the 1.9. From the Metro Screen you can just swipe your finger up to see all your apps and then swipe to the left to see all of your Office Apps. Then you can just right click on them 1 at a time and say pin to screen to get them on the Metro Screen.

There is a way to get them on the desktop as well but I'll let someone else who is better explain that.
Congrats on your new SP 2.5!

Hmm. Maybe 2.5 is a bit optimistic. Who knows, next month they might sneak in a 4400 2.2GHz CPU, so let's call the current iteration an SP 2.33333...

But with another firmware "upgrade" like the last one, it might drop to just "SP2.25".

Seriously, the 4300u will provide some benefit--I'm testing my SP2 replacement (which has the 4300u) as we speak. At least so far it's OK, not showing the "insomnia" of the previous machine.

With any luck it will be good.
Yes you are right about this but I just can't remember the steps to get the Word, Excel, etc. icons on the desktop

I'm hardly an "expert", but what has worked is pinning the program to the taskbar, then right click on the icon in the taskbar, right click the program name in the popup menu (2nd item from the bottom), and open the properties dialog.

The properties dialog has a button "Open File Location", when clicked opens file manager, and the program file (*.exe) will be visible. Right click, select "Send to" and click the "Desktop (create shortcut)" item. The desktop item label can be edited if you'd like.

Afterwards, the taskbar icon can be deleted. There's probably a better way to accomplish the goal, but that's one way that has worked for me.
Don't throw out your promo code for your 200 GBs of Skydrive!!!!!!!!!!! I tossed mine not realizing the promo code was on it. I spent 40 minutes on the phone trying to get someone at Surface support to help and it was a colossal waste of time. I ended up calling the store and got LUCKY. One of the sales guy 'found' a promo code and gave it to me over the phone.
thanks for the help, feedback and encouragement. I'm really enjoying this machine atm, and I really like the touch keyboard.. EVEN THE TRACK PAD.. I don't know why others have found it lacking but so far it's been terrific. I'm just having a hard time with drag and drop, but I'm sure it will just take a little getting used to.
And failing all that, if you use desktop rather than metrotop, all you do is right click the screen, select New, which will let you open any new excel, pub, word, access, etc, document - assuming that the program is installed and available (even via 365).
if you want the shortcuts on your desktop, navigate to this folder and copy them,

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

open the relevant officer folder