Active Member
I'm somewhat concerned about the state of my Surface pro from all the warnings and errors in the event viewer. Many are from the ESENT service that refer to taking an abnormally long time to write a file and could be do to hardware failures. I've also got lots of warnings from the disk service for my SD card that various blocks are being retired. Finally, I've got lots of messages that a multitouch device reported inconsistent connection.
I know there is a ton of stuff in the event viewer that can be ignored but I'm a little bugged by this. The tablet seems to be working OK and if I hadn't seen all the message, I wouldn't have thought anything was wrong. I've had the tablet 2 months and I've got over 25k messages in the viewer.
I called MS up and discussed it with them. I got them impression that if I pressed the issue, they would replace it but I really don't want to go thru the hassle. Setting up a new tablet is a pain and I'd loose my cool carbon fiber skin. I've run every test on it I can think of such as chkdsk /f /b and trim and everything passes. Is anyone else seeing warnings and errors in their event viewer? I have a hard time believing the drives are about to give out when it seems to be running so well.
I know there is a ton of stuff in the event viewer that can be ignored but I'm a little bugged by this. The tablet seems to be working OK and if I hadn't seen all the message, I wouldn't have thought anything was wrong. I've had the tablet 2 months and I've got over 25k messages in the viewer.
I called MS up and discussed it with them. I got them impression that if I pressed the issue, they would replace it but I really don't want to go thru the hassle. Setting up a new tablet is a pain and I'd loose my cool carbon fiber skin. I've run every test on it I can think of such as chkdsk /f /b and trim and everything passes. Is anyone else seeing warnings and errors in their event viewer? I have a hard time believing the drives are about to give out when it seems to be running so well.