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do you use your surface as main pc?

My pro 1 is my main PC. I love how well the type 1 keyboard works. The dell laptop I have hooked to an external monitor is a dinosaur and the pro is far more powerful. The pro is also my one and only Gaming rig. I have no consoles. Although I'm contemplating getting a PS4 or Xbox One. So the gaming portion was a pleasant surprise for me.

I haven't even touched my galaxy note 10.1 or Nexus 7 since I got my pro. I will sell or trade those in as credit towards another windows device or possible gaming console.
My Surface Pro 1 is my main, and mostly only, computer.

Nah, I primarily use mine as an e-book reader.
I take it with me when I leave the house too for my mobile use.
But, being retired, I don't have any ' work ' to do, except keeping my Quicken and stuff organized.
My desktop is much more powerful than my Surface Pro.
It is an I-7 running at 4.2 gz with 16 GB of RAM.
Love the Surface, no question about that, but for REALLY doing something I use the desktop.

Also being retired, but traveling a lot, I prefer to keep my latest records and such on the Pro. I also use it as a Kindle reader, but that is what I've used most of the tablets I have owned for, as well. I have an ASUS laptop with an i7, 6 GBs of ram, an Nvidia 460M video board and such in it but it is too heavy and awkward to carry around. Besides, the Pro is much faster in all respects except for heavy duty gaming or Photoshop work, which I seldom do.

My Pro is attached by three cables to a 27" monitor, external keyboard, mouse, an external Blu-Ray drive, printer, scanner, and 6 TB of storage. Everything I do on the computer goes with me as soon as I disconnect the 3 cables and put the tablet in the carry bag, which in turn goes in my backpack. I plan to take it to China soon, just as I took it back east for a couple of weeks in NYC and environs.

My most important advantage of the Pro is the fact that a fully equipped, 2 lb computer can easily fit into my backpack and go with me on trains, boats, planes, and walking trips without breaking my back.
Once I saw how the SP worked with Win8 (compared to my Dell Studio 17" laptop with Win7, Core i7 8GB RAM and 1TB HD) I got a Dell UltraSharp U2713H 27" Monitor running at 2560 x 1440, a 9 port USB2 hub, wireless keyboard and mouse and I passed the laptop down to the next generation*. It didn't make sense have one computer to carry around and a different one to use at home. Now I take my "home" computer with me.

* It's my step-son, and he and his girlfriend are the ones who really lucked out because aside from getting a Dell Studio 17" laptop they will probably get a (slightly used) SP as soon as I get a new SP2.
the screen size is fine for me, 10" in my hands is comparable to 60" on the wall.
and i like the convenience of having everything the same wherever i go.

at home i primarily use my SP1 as tablet(keyboard folder back) as i don't really have any convenient table/desk space, and at work i switch depending on what i'm doing.
my PC is now only used as NAS and media player hooked up to my TV.

i carry this tablet almost everywhere i go in my messenger bag.
Yes, when I purchased the SP1, it was to replace my ThinkPad W700--a beast of a machine!

Whereas prior to the SP1 the W700 was both my personal and work machine, I had to transition to a separate work PC; thus, taking the SP1 along with me in the same laptop bag as my work PC was not an issue.

When I bought the SP2, the SP1 then became my secondary, around-the-house mobile PC.
Nope. It has a faster CPU than my desktop, but it has lass memory, a lot less HD space (64 GB vs. 6TB :) ) and it wouldn't support my triple monitor setup (2560x1600, 2x 1600x1200) without lots of extra accessories. It doesn't have most of the ports I have on my desktop (eSATA, Firewire, 6x USB, serial/parallel, 5 different memory card slots), or a full size keyboard with all the keys. It did replace my laptop as my main travel companion, however.
Yes I use my surface 1 as my primary computer/slate at home. It works fine. Only for video editing I tend to use my desktop with 24 inch screen. The surface is truly a digital pocketknife for the home of sorts.

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People think that it is to play, but it is a sad performance.

50 fps min and online Battlefield 4 is not possible on surface with min graphics. I think that can get even more 20 fps all time. That is not playing. I prefer play candy crush that "play" so.

Surface is not for playing that kind of games and not for video editing.

If you say so, I have played Tomb Raider, LOL, and others just fine.
People think that it is to play, but it is a sad performance.

50 fps min and online Battlefield 4 is not possible on surface with min graphics. I think that can get even more 20 fps all time. That is not playing. I prefer play candy crush that "play" so.

Surface is not for playing that kind of games and not for video editing.

listen, from the vids I have seen it plays quite nice and maybe the FPS might drop to 30, it's still smooth and enjoyable. Some people don't mind that, and what they want is the ability to game portably...