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Anyone else waiting for a new Microsoft Surface Pro?

I will softly laugh to myself when the SP2 comes out with it's touch screen replaced by a built-in LEAP MOTION controller :)
For me, the current Pro hardware is great. I would much rather see enhancements to Windows 8 as well as Modern UI apps; particularly the Office Suite.

Totally agree. I'm pretty happy with the hardware, it's the OS that needs the most work, and as you said, to me Office 2013 is an abomination...
Absolutely love the current Pro, it's now replaced my huge laptop for everything when not doing serious work, even had the confidence to travel for a couple of weeks holiday and use it as a backup dev environment.

However - already grooming the missus to want the Surface Pro and discouraging her from replacing her iPad 1 in preparation for it's release.

That said - the original Pro still has not actually been released here in the UK!
My girlfriend knows I am the ultimate early adopter. Always have to get the latest thing. She is hungrily eyeing my Surface Pro asking when the new models are coming out because she knows she will inherit this one (even though she doesn't like Windows 8 much). Just about every piece of technology she owns was mine at some point along the way :).
Ha ha I am doing the same thing with the wife..making her realize how amazing the pro is so when a new model comes out it will be easier to give this to her while I quietly purchase the next model...
While I am happy with the RT at the moment, the only thing that I do miss (I think!) is the ability to "hand-write". This would be one of the main reasons as to why I would opt for the Surface Pro 2 the next time around. Hopefully, by then the Pro would also have a better battery life, which is something that I am very thankful for with my current RT.
If microsoft release keyboard+battery extender for the current SP, I will buy right NOW, even when they tell me that that SP2 w/ haswell is coming out in december. I tried the SP for 14 days, such an amazing product... except for the battery life.
If microsoft release keyboard+battery extender for the current SP, I will buy right NOW, even when they tell me that that SP2 w/ haswell is coming out in december. I tried the SP for 14 days, such an amazing product... except for the battery life.

The MS engineering guys pretty much said as much already in the Reddit AMA. Someone asked about a keyboard/battery slice combo, and the engineer dude replied that in order for that to be possible, the Pro would have had to be designed with extra (as opposed to the RT) power-carrying lugs in the docking area of the Pro... and it was. : )
Well since there is no word of a third-party compay using the dock port for a keayboard+battery style cover i wouldn't be surprised MS will bring the dock connector over to the new SFro making it downward compatible.

old SFpro Users might get the pleasure of using the "new" covers and maybe some sort of battery pack originated from MS
I'm waiting with anticipation for an improved battery life. The USB 3 story is a non starter that will be fixed. I just don't want to wait till 2014.