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DisplayPort monitor not extending on Surface Pro 2

After enough attempts of unplugging/unpowering/repowering/replugging I finally got the external monitor to start working. I'm afraid to unplug it at this point, but that would defeat the purpose of having a Surface.
After enough attempts of unplugging/unpowering/repowering/replugging I finally got the external monitor to start working. I'm afraid to unplug it at this point, but that would defeat the purpose of having a Surface.
Hey, any update on if this got worse or better for you?
I've got a new SP3 and am having exactly the issue you described, except without any success with unplug/replug.
See my post here: http://www.surfaceforums.net/threads/minidisplayport-out-not-working-on-sp3.9826/