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Cubic News, a great new app.

Sarah --

You aren't helping your cause. The "he/she" crap is cumbersome and annoying. You are trying to promote a product. Annoying people is not a good way to accomplish that objective. Mitchell has a name: it is "Mitchell." Unless you know a lot of girls named Mitchell, it would have been safer just to use the masculine pronouns. Or, if that offends your sensitive soul, just use his name. For the possessive pronouns, you could substitute "Mitchell's." Similarly when it is the subject.

Mitchell is one of the more knowledgeable and assertive members of this forum. (I don't want him to know I said that, which is why I am posting this in invisible ink.) So, you came here to promote a product, and you got your feathers ruffled because Mitchell called it "crap." Now you have a choice. You can:

a - Pursue your original objective and find a way to promote your product, or,
b - Get all pissy about it and engage in a no-win contest, wherein your original objective is totally lost.

The choice was, and perhaps still is, yours to make.

Russ Walden

Wow, do you actually hear what you're saying?
He/she is cumbersome and annoying...you have got to be kidding me, or did you really just use that as a point of a rebuttal?

I thought the community here was much more friendly and professional...
Wow, do you actually hear what you're saying?

Lolvo --

Well, actually, no. I move my lips when I read, but not when I write.

I thought I was giving Sarah some good advice, but, if you have more effective advice to offer her/him, which will help her/him accomplish her/his ostensible objective, then feel free to offer it it to her/him (although, admittedly, I don't know many guys named "Sarah").

And, yeah, we are "friendly and professional." That's why we hardly ever call anyone "uncivil and uncouth" -- especially when the recipient of those denigrating terms is the Professor of Couth at his (or her?) local university.

If you're trying to help Sarah, then you aren't doing a very good job of it. If you're just trying to pick an argument, try me some other time. Right now, I need to give my dog a bath.

Y'all take care, y'heah,

Sarah --

You aren't helping your cause. The "he/she" crap is cumbersome and annoying. You are trying to promote a product. Annoying people is not a good way to accomplish that objective. Mitchell has a name: it is "Mitchell." Unless you know a lot of girls named Mitchell, it would have been safer just to use the masculine pronouns. Or, if that offends your sensitive soul, just use his name. For the possessive pronouns, you could substitute "Mitchell's." Similarly when it is the subject.

Mitchell is one of the more knowledgeable and assertive members of this forum. (I don't want him to know I said that, which is why I am posting this in invisible ink.) So, you came here to promote a product, and you got your feathers ruffled because Mitchell called it "crap." Now you have a choice. You can:

a - Pursue your original objective and find a way to promote your product, or,
b - Get all pissy about it and engage in a no-win contest, wherein your original objective is totally lost.

The choice was, and perhaps still is, yours to make.

Russ Walden

To be perfectly honest I've never met anyone with the name Mitchell. I come from a former English colony, while I speak English i'm not all too familiar with many of the names. I didn't mean to imply anything about him by using he/she to describe him, I merely just meant to avoid assigning the wrong gender. I'm sorry if I offended you.
Sarah, take everything with a grain of salt here. The app tho i agree needs work, has some potential. I like the idea of the diff transition effects. Right now the transitions as well as the app in general seems to lag or stutter. I tried it both on my wifes RT and my pro and it lags. That said with a little more polish it could become a good app. Good luck and let us know as you make changes. I would be willing to try it again. Tony.
I don't have much need for a news app either but have the early critics actually downloaded and tried the app they criticized? if not it seems a little premature to diss an app based on a few screenshots. can't see what unique features it may have based on the caps. tony seems like the only one that actually indicated he gave it a whirl before giving his opinion.
Sarah, take everything with a grain of salt here. The app tho i agree needs work, has some potential. I like the idea of the diff transition effects. Right now the transitions as well as the app in general seems to lag or stutter. I tried it both on my wifes RT and my pro and it lags. That said with a little more polish it could become a good app. Good luck and let us know as you make changes. I would be willing to try it again. Tony.

Thank you very much for your input. We have considered your input and we have incorporated it in the latest release. We have increased the both the frame rate of transitions and made design changes to improve the look of the interface. The new release is now available to download. If you have any further input please don't hesitate, its extremely useful.
Thank you very much for your input. We have considered your input and we have incorporated it in the latest release. We have increased the both the frame rate of transitions and made design changes to improve the look of the interface. The new release is now available to download. If you have any further input please don't hesitate, its extremely useful.
no problem- I will check it out and let you know...
Mitchell, while I certainly appreciate constructive criticism there is no reason be uncivil and uncouth, especially considering the time and effort that went into development.

I thought calling it crap was being constructive. It's crap, your job as a developer is to make it not crap. That's how feedback works.

P.S., Your first ever posts in this Forum and you start multiple threads spamming us with your app? Really? Did you consider hanging out for a while and earning some credibility first?

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I thought calling it crap was being constructive. It's crap, your job as a developer is to make it not crap. That's how feedback works.

P.S., Your first ever posts in this Forum and you start multiple threads spamming us with your app? Really? Did you consider hanging out for a while and earning some credibility first?

its only constructive if you suggest how to make it less "crap"
its only constructive if you suggest how to make it less "crap"

Ok, I'll bite. My constructive criticism is that based upon what I have seen here, you don't have the coding horsepower on your team to develop a competitive product. Either take some more classes or hire some better people.

Look at Bing News. Look at Pulse. Look at News Bento. That's the direction newsreaders are going. Yours looks distinctly 1998.

If I were you and I wanted to develop, I would stick with a simple utility or a game. Newsreaders are where the big boys play and you simply don't have the resources to compete.
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