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Article: In defence of the Surface RT

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Ballmer took over in 2000 and the stock was as high 60 in 2000 and since then its remained at or about 35.... Where is this magic triple value you speak of? Dont feed the trolls speak about REALITY.... Try that one. Anyone can goole a troll post, copy and paste it, lets talk facts... I have a wall street analyst in house... What do you have again?

dont feed the trolls, even though they say things that are mostly true. Lets help MS believe that inferior devices and inferior products, priced the same as superior market leading products will win the day. Lets live in denial and call it a happy home. Good god man. Just discuss the situation openly. Thats all I ask that post above is just fucking pathetic and sad. Thats all it is ...
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I may be the troll here, but I am the only one addressing the 900 million dollar gorilla in the room honestly.

Machistmo --

That's because that gorilla is not in this room. This is not a financial forum, it is a product and system forum. MS made $21 $Billion last year, and does not appear to be in danger of imminent demise, even with the RT writeoff.

There are people here who like the RT -- your opinion notwithstanding. Similarly, I like my Pro, and don't really care whether you shot yours or returned it for cash, or both. You don't even have a Surface anymore, but for some reason you seem to have a need to hang around and bleed on everybody who does like them. Time to give it a rest.


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amazing he resorts to name calling by calling me a 13 yr old pre-pubescent WOW very mature, he just cant take that I call him on all his BS! LOL also he tries to convince people that the RT is bad when in fact no tablets seem to work for HIM, makes me wonder if he should just drop the tablets sector all together and just stick to old typewriter and abacus and leave the tech stuff to us who really know how to use it... and like I said pcworld is known for favoring certain products over others AND they like to over blow articles and exaggerate and print down right false information just to try to boost interests in their crappy articles, which is why I stopped reading their crap ages ago! lol so sad you use THEM as your source for reliable sources lmao!
amazing he resorts to name calling by calling me a 13 yr old pre-pubescent WOW very mature, he just cant take that I call him on all his BS! LOL also he tries to convince people that the RT is bad when in fact no tablets seem to work for HIM, makes me wonder if he should just drop the tablets sector all together and just stick to old typewriter and abacus and leave the tech stuff to us who really know how to use it... and like I said pcworld is known for favoring certain products over others AND they like to over blow articles and exaggerate and print down right false information just to try to boost interests in their crappy articles, which is why I stopped reading their crap ages ago! lol so sad you use THEM as your source for reliable sources lmao!

This response, like your other responses, could warrant no better. I am to blame to for this?
Machistmo --

That's because that gorilla is not in this room. This is not a financial forum, it is a product and system forum. MS made $21 $Billion last year, and does not appear to be in danger of imminent demise, even with the RT writeoff.

There are people here who like the RT -- your opinion notwithstanding. Similarly, I like my Pro, and don't really care whether you shot yours or returned it for cash, or both. You don't even have a Surface anymore, but for some reason you seem to have a need to hang around and bleed on everybody who does like them. Time to give it a rest.



See this is a response that I can say makes sense. I think ...your caring about my opinion matters not at all. And ?NO? mention of the lady friend. Bravo Sir, Bravo.. It bothers you that I have 'fantasies about shooting my surface' though people in georgia love to shoot stuff. There are like 500 shows on TV to prove my point. It definately bothers me that you speak of your 'lady friend' all the time... I remain more creeped out than you about that issue and reserve the right to vomit on reading anymore from you about her. I find you constantly including her in posts more disturbing than my wanting to explode a surface tablet into shards of glass, hell thats something any hillbully should get behind on general principle. Shoot stuff good, blow stuff up good .. Hillbilly 101?

I love that you tell me that this is not a financial forum and then spout off about MS profits in the next sentence. Are you high?



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