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Anybody Else Feels the Touch Cover Needs a Cover?

@newman, thank you for the tip. What I have used is a pieace of this material that I use for cleaning the car, which somewhat works.
Since you're an active member of this forum I would send you one if you needed a new one. Can't you just order a new cover through amazon or some other source?
Thank you for your generous offer, I found a local grey market seller at more than twice the MSRP. Argh. Amazon don't ship many items to this part of the world, including that. I'm sure there are other options, when the time comes.

I can understand the difficulties ArnoldC faces - I live in New Zealand, so I'm really hoping that nothing goes wrong.
I used a package forwarder in the US, so if I have to send a defective item back/replace touch cover it'll take me many weeks, and shipping costs to get the item back to NZ.
I have one of those monitor cleaning cloths and I just use that to wipe down the touch cover, seems to work.
I've been using my Surface with the touch cover daily since October with no signs of wear or tearing. I often fold the cover all the way back and use the touch screen. No problems so far. I did purchase the extended warranty, so I should be OK for the next couple of years and given my past history, I'll probably have moved on the another device (Surface2?) by then.