I experienced this in the past, but on office 2016 or it might just be because of the sp4, its gotten unbearable.
Importing a pdf to onenote is just awful. I dont understand what is going on. It takes me upto 25 minutes to import a 40 page pdf of a black and white powerpoint, making it hugely inconvenient. I can duplicate this every time when importing pdf powerpoints. Howevere, i can import a 600 page pdf text book, full of colour, annotations, drawings etc in about 3 minutes.
It seems pretty bizarre
Importing a pdf to onenote is just awful. I dont understand what is going on. It takes me upto 25 minutes to import a 40 page pdf of a black and white powerpoint, making it hugely inconvenient. I can duplicate this every time when importing pdf powerpoints. Howevere, i can import a 600 page pdf text book, full of colour, annotations, drawings etc in about 3 minutes.
It seems pretty bizarre