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  1. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    I clean installed 10125 and it installed fast and seems to run very well. Looks much better than 10122 IMHO and no issues other than the pen not working (lol, they always break something). No reboot or wifi issues. Am really liking the jump list animations (now if they would just add those to...
  2. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    No problems for me so far. Pen not working is only issue. Installs easily. If it fubars roll it back. The new icons and jump list animations are very cool. Also the recently added alphabet animation in the Start Menu is nice.
  3. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Although some things are still broken (the pen) in 10125, the polish on this build is MUCH better than 10122.
  4. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Ran 10125 up the flagpole just for the hell of it. For me at least it's running smooth and fast. Looks much better than 10122 as well. Installed piece of cake. ** Caveat, pen doesn't seem to ink at all.
  5. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Running 8.1 right now. Holding SP3 in tablet mode. Zero fan. Nice.
  6. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Sorry MS but this entire beta program really is a fuster cluck. Sure betas will have issues but it seems as if QC is completely non-existent. When are they saying W10 is supposed to be ready? I hope they're just rope-a-dopin us with these funky builds. Quick sidenote. My cat knocked my SP3...
  7. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    The thing I find most amusing is that with every new build of Windows 10 Preview, it seems Windows 10 is morphing back into Windows 7 with a hat tip to Windows 8 in the Start Menu tiles. That's cool, Windows 7 2015 is what we really needed in the first place.
  8. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    I especially liked the part about THE FAN. Lol. :)
  9. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Bit of a sidenote here on MS making things "better". For years (obviously) I have been happily running Access 2003. It looks good, is fast and does everything I want. For grins today I tried installing Access 2013. Lord, what a piece of CRAP. Slower and uglier. They force you to use this...
  10. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    The way to make Windows 10 stand on it's own is to make the Start Menu truly powerful and beautiful. Custom tile packs (as in Android), jump lists, MS Phone "fly-away" style animations when clicking an icon, automated icon grouping options, etc... . The problem with the Start Menu now is there...
  11. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Surprisingly, very little other than the browser. System is grabbing some along with Error Reporting.
  12. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Ok, here is what is so strange about this fan business. It only seems to go really nuts when I hold the SP3 as a tablet. I just did that, and with a single Spartan window open, CPU usage spiked to 87% and Memory usage spiked to 82%. Of course fan came on full blast. No videos, no flash...
  13. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Here's a helpful idea on Spartan. When using the highlighter pen, have the highlighter follow the line of text so we have nice straight highlight lines. There really is no conceivable benefit to a freehand highlighter.
  14. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    You really are given to hyperbole, aren't you? If anything, the responses in this forum have taught us that W10 Preview is capricious and behaves differently on every machine. You have experienced a number of issues upgrading to 10122 that literally no one else did. Using your love for...
  15. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Unless you assume that the tiny sample of users here is somehow representative of the thousands (or more) running W10 Preview. :) People forget that the universe of those actually commenting in a thread such as this is incredibly small and statistically meaningless. Of course it's not...
  16. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Actually two other users discussed this fan issue recently and went back to 8.1 as a result. I have practically no fan under 8.1 and unless W10 is using some hardware 8.1 did not (unlikely in the extreme), I don't think this is a hardware defect. It's been shown over and over that W10 Preview...
  17. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Sigh, been on 10122 for about a full 24 hours now and I'm back to pretty much non-stop fan even when my rig isn't hot. If this thing blows any harder I'm gonna call it Sally and marry it.
  18. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    MS is heading in the right direction by making the non-Metro icons in the Start Menu larger although clearly, just magnifying small icons to make them large is an inelegant (read, crap) solution at best. My hope is that MS will implement icon packs such as they have in Android which will allow...
  19. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    General observation. I'm running Access 2003 (yes, the last version of Access before they mucked it up, IMHO) and Office 2007 on my SP3. Both seem to be a little happier under this build. Just a half step quicker. One thing I'd noticed about Spartan. Sometimes when typing in a forum such as...
  20. mitchellvii

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Just download the 10122 ISO from Mega, run the device hack described earlier in this thread and install from there. Don't bother with the update.