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Windows Phone - Back to Dead


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Analyst thinks Windows Phone will not achieve escape velocity. Gravity will end it... or it will burn cash in hell until MS ends it. Ok, I might have simplified and expanded his message or I might not have.

I agree there's no magic bullet in the chamber, i.e. Win10 wont save it. IMO only a significant and persistent App purchasing as has been discussed elsewhere before will bring the Apps needed to the Store for WP to reach escape velocity.

It's too late now for the; 'If you build it they will come' strategy to work, say hello to BlackBerry as WP crashes next to or on top of it. This will not end Microsoft by any means but WP has both feet in the grave and is just waiting to be covered. Only a Lazarus type, raising from the dead, miracle or a billion dollars in App spending can avert the result of the current course.

One option that might be viable is to enable Android Apps to run on WP although it would have to be near perfect not a hobbled hit or miss affair.

In addition I would add an X86 Cloud App Service though this would be more useful on Tablets some benefit would be realized on the smaller phone screen. Just upload your x86 app and run it in the Cloud from your device.
I think that Win10 will open the door to cross platform (Windows) app creation which would, in theory, increase application creation as long as the process isn't heavily flawed nor plagued with fees. Then MS needs a couple of new true flagship phones in various sizes available on all of the big 4 carriers (think how you can get an iPhone on all 4).

I've been hearing about Windows downfall for several decades now. I have a feeling that it will be a topic for another several decades to come.
In the Android world the cheap baseline apps are already there. With the strengthening of CPUs/SOCs for running it reaching low end i5 country Stronger Apps will follow. Without mindshare for App development the possibility of Windows demise is much more real unlike in the past when it was merely hopeful wishing.

IBM is getting on an iOS App play of their own making. Microsoft it still hoping somehow someone else or everyone else will show up with Modern Apps even though its not happened yet. if this strategy works it seems it will be nothing short of a miracle.

Make no mistake companies can hang on with legacy systems literally for decades; see Unisys who's only strategy appears to be to shrink faster than they lose customers and the last time they had any real relevance is but a faint distant memory.

The dumbing down of the App landscape is nothing to ignore. Its become a force all its own and rightly or wrongly must be dealt with since the dumb apps now dominate the market.
Android, no thank you. Use a packetsniffer and watch what Android is sending. Big Brother? Absolutely. Apple, not my favorit. The best of the worst is still Windows Phone. Do I miss certain apps? No!
Why is everybody yelling because there are less apps than there are for Androud and iOs? 95% is crap!

And what about stability? Windows Phone is absolute the winner in that context
Android, no thank you. Use a packetsniffer and watch what Android is sending. Big Brother? Absolutely. Apple, not my favorit. The best of the worst is still Windows Phone. Do I miss certain apps? No!
Why is everybody yelling because there are less apps than there are for Androud and iOs? 95% is crap!

And what about stability? Windows Phone is absolute the winner in that context
In the early PC days it was the Apps that made it a success. Those Legacy apps aren't going to help in the future. There's no doubt a lot of crappy apps in all the stores but there are also some good ones. The more Windows devs focus on desktop Apps the further behind they get. While the Legacy Apps will live on for some time modern apps on other platforms continue to outstrip the Windows counterparts. This really is where the battle will be won or lost the platform is just a vehicle. It seems the current CEO already acknowledged that.

Still, if Microsoft had invested half of what they have on WP in the development of or payment for development of Modern Apps there would not be an issue. They believe they will repeat successes of the past, I don't think so. The only way to get there is to invest a billion dollars in Apps and that pales in comparison to all the money which has already been spent and wasted building a platform that nobody is using. i.e 2.8% market share.
Ask yourself this one question. If I spend hours building something to make money or attract potential new customers should I build it for a platform that at most is 2.8% of all possible customers or one that lets me reach 60-80% or even 20-30%

Universal Apps is a yet to be seen quantity of dubious background, we will see... it's not a slam dunk by any means.
I live in Quebec city, Canada. I don't have a cellphone, but well I am interested in buying a Windows phone. And here come the main problem: there is absolutely no choice. Lumia 635 - 1020 or 520.

Dammit, in Canada. It's not like we are far from the USA !

IMO Windows should have a much better diffusion of ALL of its products first.

No HTC M8 no 1520, no 535. Who are you going fight with a 635, seriously ? Which kind of customers is your product going to attract when the competition offers products such as Nexus 6 or iPhone 6 ?
I like my Nokia 930, but have to admit get a little frustrated with the facebook ap, even the beta is just not a patch on the Android version and it is annoying when I see certain apps advertised and then notice they're only available for IOS and android.

My next phone....not sure it'll be a tough decision unless the app store improves a lot. I don't want to go back to android but I hate feeling limited by the apps, it IS the main/only problem with the Lumia.