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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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You know what really helped me get rid of a lot of the massively blowing fans and the high consumption by background tasks (surprising actually) is switching from Microsoft antivirus to avast. Wow.

Did it make avast difference? Sorry, hanging curveball. :)
Ok, everything seems ok, except Spartan/Edge. It has been having a slight nervous breakdown since install. Can't click between tabs, scrolling pages difficult, etc. I LOVE inking on webpages, though. That is awesomely cool! I've gone back to IE for now.

I have noticed that my battery is draining faster. :(

I know people have been having lots of problems, which is to be expected being an evaluation copy. So, I'm not complaining per say, just listing the problems I have had so far, which have been limited. ::knocks on wood::

Apparently, Windows 10 is also a massive battery hog. Win10 is the only new program I've downloaded, and no more Chrome either. Is this also a common problem?
Just installed Avast. SP3 running pretty much silent. Wouldn't that be weird if all that fan BS was Defender? Would make sense why some folks were having no fan issues and others were.
That's a good point. I was very dissatisfied with the battery eating with W10P and went back to W8.1. And I run Defender, Malwarebytes and use Chrome all the time, and was when I had W10P 10130 on the SP3.
I'll keep watching here to see if others have seen big improvements in battery life by not using Defender. I won't be able to give up Chrome until Spartan supports extensions and plugins.
Ok, here's what I don't get. This is a screen cap of the new "wide" animated tile from the Start Menu. As you can see, the entire bottom quarter of the tile is useless empty space. Why not make the colored area only one line tall showing more picture, or add 2 lines of text? This is what I don't comprehend in MS's design thinking?

If you resize to "medium" the colored box uses 2 lines of text and it works. I am hoping this is simply an oversight by MS that will be fixed.

Lol. Just returned here to catch up on the latest happenings with the build. You've complained about the same thing like 20 times. We better get you direct access to MS cos that's a lot of bitterness!
You post six thousands times about the same crap thinking people care what YOU think & then respond like this to a user? Your attitude is truly toxic to this thread.

Lemme school you bro. Look at my avatar. You see those 528 likes received and the 113 trophy points? Now look at yours. If you're not embarrassed you should be.

P.S., 6000 times? Google "hyperbole".
Embarrassed by someone's stats on a forum? Right. That comment explains a whole lot.

Ok, allow me to make it easier. Dude who contributes basically nothing calls dude who contributes a lot "toxic". It's comical. Anyway, my last word on the subject because no one else cares. :)

P.S. If you think my opinions regarding W10's few shortcomings are unusual, you should read other forums besides this one. I'm positively kind by comparison.
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Let's keep focused.
I only have the Windows Defender running. I'll definitely keep an eye on it's performance hit on the system.
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