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Window no longer can be made to "float"?


New Member
Windows11 21H2 on MS Surface Pro 6. All of a sudden when placing cursor at top of site page any opened program/page, and then pushing up, the page doesn't "float" as it had been doing. Furthermore, when placing cursor on the middle box on the to right, I get 4 choices of how the page is sized. I don't want any of this, all I want is to be able to make the page float as it previously had.

OK, went to Snap Settings, where everything was On. As far as I know, I had never touched any of the settings there. Furthermore, a little additional description of the problem. Whether window is opened full sized or reduced in size and snapped to top of screen, grabbing the title bar fails to move the window?

Ah, I think I found a clue to the problem. I am using Logitech's Options (Logi Options+ Beta - Software App for Logitech Devices) so that I can use just one Logitech mouse between two computers. A great program. When Options is ON, I can manipulate the windows on the Surface as wanted (window float and can be moved by selecting/holding the title bar). However, when just using Surface's cursor (Options can be ON or OFF), the windows can't be moved. Interestingly, both computers are Windows 11 (21H2), with the switch from W10 to 11 done on Surface first about two weeks ago, while the desktop was still W10...with no problems moving the windows using either Option or the Surface's cursor. It could be coincidental, but I think the problem with the Surface may have arose when I just moved the desktop from W10 to W11??? But, then again, how would the change in the desktop affect a change in the Surface when only using the Surface's cursor? Nonetheless, the bottom line is that when just using the Surface;s cursor, double tapping the window title bar will make the window smaller and unsnap it, but neither a full winow, nor the snapped window can be moved by the Surface cursor...whereas with Options functioning, the Logi mouse can fully function all the time on the Surface??? Crazy, no?
Thanks for that explanation. Logitech provides some great hardware and software features. When Windows finally adds the equivalent better functionality, they clash because of context.

It is likely someone else will have this same issue. You are helping them already.

You may consider becoming a Windows Insider. It is free. Additional windows management functionality has already been added to those who chose the "Dev" channel as an Insider.
Got it to work, but not as it did before. But, first I have to say something did change. Previously, when things worked, all I had to do to move a window was to single press and hold on the title bar and drag. SOLUTION: However, I now have to hold a corner of the toudhpad down, place cursor over title bar area and drag. Still strange. When I pressed on the tmiddle sections of the touchpad to get a click, I really had to press hard to get the click and then dragging was very jumpy while pressing hard.Could be a problem recently developed with the touch pad??? Any adjustments to the touchpad's functioning available?
Oh my. Yes, sounds like a touchpad issue indeed. In tablet mode you should be able to use your finger on the screen to get the correct result. Likewise, with a mouse, a mouse click on the title bar should work to float the window properly.

It could be that some grit got into the works of your touchpad. You should not have to press hard to activate. I assume the two lower corners still seem to feel okay.

If the problem is indeed grit, people have sometimes had good results. Allowing the PC's touchpad to get warm in sunshine (such as by a physical window) sometimes does the trick. Also turning the keyboard upside down in a warm environment has worked too. If the touchpad does not recover, a replacement keyboard is in order.

If you could borrow or temporarily switch compatible keyboards for a test, you would know if this indeed is the problem.
Not using in tablet mode. Two lower corners are working right. I'll give the "warming" fix a try, although I really doubt any kind of grit go into the touchpad.
What I meant by the Tablet Mode comment was to rule out that Windows has changed how you can position windows. In other words, focus on the taskbar as the culprit.
This is embarrassing. Finally got the solution; and, it was there all the time. In Touchpad Settings, I had to turn on "Tap twice and drag to multi-select" Sorry for the "false" lead and unnecessary runaround; but appreciated your help.