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Win 8.1: Skydrive


Well-Known Member

I was wondering what happened to the standalone Skydrive program that was available for the desktop (this is for non-RT machines)? I have (or used to have) the Skydrive program installed and a folder on the taskbar for Skydrive. Now, when I click on the folder, noting happens. Any idea why?

Also, I believe the Fetch capability in Skydrive is no longer available. RDP is the only way out now. See here: Warning: Windows 8.1 kills SkyDrive's remote 'Fetch' feature | PCWorld
When I access SkyDrive using the Metro app under the new 8.1 I get a message indicating "To view your SkyDrive, you need to sign in to this PC with a Microsoft account."

The old SkyDrive app (under ver 8) would allow me to use a local account, and the app would allow me to sign in to SkyDrive directly.

This might be your problem too? I'm a bit upset, as I'd rather to only provide account credentials only when I actually want to use those services...

No...I have no problems with the Skydrive Modern UI app. I use it all the time. I was asking about the desktop (standalone) app that was/ is downloadable from the Skydrive site. That does not work. I am wondering if I should just uninstall it and be done with it.

I am a bit bothered about how the Fetch capability was dropped though. Maybe Jeff (jnjroach) can update/ advise on this.
So far, after the upgrade, the Skydive app seems to be working as it was prior to the upgrade. I've not noticed anything detrimental. I didn't have the preview before though, so not sure if you did and if that makes any difference
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So far, after the upgrade, the Skydive app seems to be working as it was prior to the upgrade. I've not noticed anything detrimental. I didn't have the preview before though, so not sure if you did and if that makes any difference
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro

Are you referring to the Modern UI app or the standalone Skydrive app that one can download from one of the MS sites? I am having a problem with the latter. Also, no I did not have any preview of 8.1 installed. I went directly from 8 GA to 8.1 GA.