When SP3 first released, it did have issue with wifi driver. I believed it is now fixed. At least, I don't see that on mine anymore(knocked on wood). I had mine since SP3 was released. Anyhow, I recently experienced Wifi issue this week. What I did to resolved the issue is: From my experience, this random wifi drop and wifi limited access issue had to do with the "Router" itself. MSWin driver for some reason sensitive to the brand of router you have. But, the simple fix is to change the radio channel on your router for both 2 and 5ghz band depend on which on you use. I would avoid the auto as well. You might want to avoid the crowded channel in your block as well. Here is what I did on mine: for 2.4ghz, I tried 1, 6, or 11. For 5Ghz, I am currently use 157. default was 153 I have all kind of issue with this channel. I had Netgear R7000 before, I never had any issue with random wifi drop(except the issue with drive where it dropped speed to 72mbps when on battery, that was fixed by MS). I now have ASUS router and I had to do the channel changed mentioned above where I didn't have to on Netgear. Good luck!