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Why MS hasn't released a Core M Surface Pro

Releasing these simultaneously would be very bad IMO. Hardware is NOT OS dependent more the other way but tying them together is completely arbitrary and not the best of strategies for the marketplace. oh yeah, not the MS strong suit, especially lately.
Actually, it makes quite a bit of sense to release them roughly at the same time, or the OS a little ahead of the associated HW. You don't want to release a HW with the old OS only to have a new OS out a few weeks later. They can also be used to showcase each others strengths.
Actually, it makes quite a bit of sense to release them roughly at the same time, or the OS a little ahead of the associated HW. You don't want to release a HW with the old OS only to have a new OS out a few weeks later. They can also be used to showcase each others strengths.
Maybe they should wait until Windows 10 Update 1 [ I'm dubbing it Win 10.10 :) ], you know as soon as Win 10 hits the OS pundits will say wait for Update 1, and the Hardware pundits will say wait for Firmware update 3. Putting them together is suicide.

This is borne out of Microsoft's project management style of releasing before its done and propensity to follow the 80/20 rule. Seriously, it was time a decade ago for Microsoft to put their big boy pants on and up their game to at least 90/10 and start getting it right the first time at least once in a while.
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What really happens with the 80/20 rule. Your requirements target 80% of the features and functions of the market to be included in a product. Unfortunately due circumstances 80% falls to 60% or maybe 50%. How does this happen... 80/20 as a rule naturally works out that way. You start with 80% but you only hit 80% of your target you're already at 64% and 80% of that drops you to 51%. If marketing lays out requirements for 80% then Project management cuts 20% because of non compliance or other issues (believe me features get cut in every development project) and 20% misses the mark for whatever reason (another fact of reality some of what you do is just off the mark ) it's easy to see how we fall so quickly. Conversely if we used a 90/10 rule in the same scenario you'd hit a minimum of 73% at bottom end.