I purchased my RT on the day they were released simply to support the tech. I had no idea at the time that it would pretty much take over the role of my Sony Vaio Z. I travel quite a bit and I find myself wondering how and why I stuck with my amazingly lightweight Z for as long as I did. I cannot see myself turning back now and really wonder of the Pro is the way that I should go, but I really am happy with my RT.
Here is the problem MS is having. Modern portable laptops are fantastic. There is really very little compelling reason to switch to a possible nicer tech that will require some re acclimating to its use. Using touch is NOT like using a real laptop. They can do the same and touch is even more efficient sometimes, however, it is a learning curve. I do find myself accidentally touching my laptop screen now which annoys me to no end.
So this really boils down to getting the device into peoples hands. They will love it.
And then there are the Apps. We are still woefully short on apps. I understand why. If I have limited resources as an app designer, my focus is going to be IOs. But guys, we have to expand our app store.