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Went to bed 50% battery! woke up today at 0%, thanks Microsoft!

Oh, it could also be a faulty keyboard. It would seams that there is some relation with faulty keyboard and strange system behavior.
However, due to lack of info, it is hard to say for sure.

The only peripheral I am using is the touch 2 cover. I would be using whichever GPU driver came with my device. I am really worried that this will happen again and want to get to the bottom of it! The device would have been *in* hibernate so that means it must have woken up for some reason. Is there a way I can see why?

Also I'll check out the Note. I really like my Surface but it's difficult to use it in a working environment!

Whenever I experience hibernate/sleep issues, it only occurs when the keyboard is connected. See if removing the keyboard, and then putting the Surface Pro to sleep/hibernate causes any issues. The only other solution, if you don't want to go through that MS merry-go-round again, would be to sell the thing and get whatever you can get for it (likely at a loss)
I had something like this where it would either wake from sleep or hibernate and then stay on all night, thus draining the battery, from both the December and January firmware updates. This was fixed with the February firmware as far as I can tell since I haven't experienced it since then. Have you installed all of the firmware updates?
I had something like this where it would either wake from sleep or hibernate and then stay on all night, thus draining the battery, from both the December and January firmware updates. This was fixed with the February firmware as far as I can tell since I haven't experienced it since then. Have you installed all of the firmware updates?

Yes I have it which is why I find it strange!
Sucks these things are so buggy.

I have just faced the hard fact that there are certain things i'm (stuck) with. So I rarely use sleep mode anymore. I just power it off and stick it in my bag or make sure if it's overnight that I have it plugged in so it's not drained when I awake to use it.
I know we've "chatted" on this forum about setting the hibernate timer shorter than the sleep time to fix crashes. If you are presently set up this way, it no longer works with the newest firmware. Instead of going into hibernation it just gets stuck in idle mode with the display turned off - its neither sleeping nor hibernating. This forced me to revert back to the "normal" sleep then hibernate sequence, but now it simply crashes continuously. One of the many reasons I am done with this POS