Thank you for a great app, I'd also purchased. Anyone want to share your list of gestures, or do you all use the author's faves?
I probably don't have the memory or hand dexterity to use
all the possible gestures, so I use a simplified set. Even then I had conflicting impulses based on what might make sense, vs motions I'm already used to on smartphone/tablet apps...
For now I settled on:
2-finger up/down to show/hide touch keyboard, left/right to browse forward/back
3-finger pinch in to close browser tab, pinch out for new tab
3-finger left/right to go to next/previous tab, down to refresh tab
4 & 5 finger left/right, all to toggle rotation lock (heh)
4 & 5 finger up/down to turn brightness up/down
4 & 5 finger pinch in to show Alt-Tab task switcher, pinch out to show desktop
At first I had the left swipes to correspond to the browser back/previous functions, but after actually using I realized I needed to reverse that, doh...
I'd flip-flopped on using down vs up swipes to close tabs vs opening new ones, so I skirted the issue. Obviously we close metro apps by swiping down from top to bottom of screen. But iOS 7 uses the webOS style card view task management where we swipe up to close an app...
Similarly couldn't decide between pinch in vs pinch out for which actions.
I gave up on 3-5 finger tip-taps (especially tip-tap right) after struggling with them

And I just duplicated the 4 and 5 finger gestures so I don't have to worry about how many fingers actually hit the screen at once (with any consistency).
I excluded "show start screen" since the SP2 already has the home button, ditto for the volume control. The grab window and metro app positioning would be nice, but ran out of free gestures...
P.S. Just curious, the TouchMe metro app is said to be able to use any gesture engine. Are there any others out there, and how would they be different than the one from the author's website?