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TouchDown email client from NitroDesk

Also (sorry), when selecting multiple emails via swiping, the hidden pull-down menu at the top of the screen displays. Is this by design to display Move, Delete, etc? Can be a little off-putting.
I'm on and have some emails that are not displaying the body text of the email nor the short snip in the list of emails. It appears to be those emails with attachments, although not always.

Can you please email support@nitrodesk.com and ask them to forward the message to the developer ?
I would primarily like to know if there is something special at all about these, as in, are they signed or encrypted ? Also, what is the server you are connecting to..
as for the pull down, yes, this is by design, and similar to how the native app does it.
I am thinking of changing that to show a button bar right on top of the email list itself.
-It would be nice if it would recognize that the tablet already has a PIN (or password) that adheres to the Exchange policy and not enforce a seperate PIN.

-I didn't dig too much into it to see if this was a feature but would be nice if it would place calendar item in the main OS calendar.
-It would be nice if it would recognize that the tablet already has a PIN (or password) that adheres to the Exchange policy and not enforce a seperate PIN.

-I didn't dig too much into it to see if this was a feature but would be nice if it would place calendar item in the main OS calendar.

When it actually prompts you for a PIN, you get an option to set the rules to the system PIN. this means you may have to (if necessary) adjust the system password to a more secure one. If that is the case, touchdown wont prompt you for a PIN.
Unfortunately the PIN change screen is not implemented yet, so when it is, you would have the option to set this. Currently this is available only immediately after config.
Can you please email support@nitrodesk.com and ask them to forward the message to the developer ?
I would primarily like to know if there is something special at all about these, as in, are they signed or encrypted ? Also, what is the server you are connecting to..
as for the pull down, yes, this is by design, and similar to how the native app does it.
I am thinking of changing that to show a button bar right on top of the email list itself.

Sorry, I'm not sure what exactly you want me to forward and to whom? Emails are confidential, so I can't forward on to anyone, sorry. Affected emails are from various senders, internal (ie: same Exchange organisation) and external parties. I'm no expert, but unlikely to be encrypted or signed. We are using Exchange 2003.

I'm on and have some emails that are not displaying the body text of the email nor the short snip in the list of emails. It appears to be those emails with attachments, although not always.

I also have this same issue that the recent beta did not fix. I will attempt to create a dummy email with an attachment and forward it to support.

Can you please email support@nitrodesk.com and ask them to forward the message to the developer ?
I would primarily like to know if there is something special at all about these, as in, are they signed or encrypted ? Also, what is the server you are connecting to..
as for the pull down, yes, this is by design, and similar to how the native app does it.
I am thinking of changing that to show a button bar right on top of the email list itself.

I just forwarded an email that exhibits this behavior. It happens when I included a digital signature. Without the digital signature the email text appears just fine.

Hello RonNitro,

Really interested in your app, looks awesome! I'm currently in my 30day trial of Touchdown on my Surface RT. It syncs, however, it only goes back a couple of days. Is there a way to change settings to sync mail from the past 30 days?

Thanks for your help,
Hello RonNitro,

Really interested in your app, looks awesome! I'm currently in my 30day trial of Touchdown on my Surface RT. It syncs, however, it only goes back a couple of days. Is there a way to change settings to sync mail from the past 30 days?

From the Charms bar you can select Options, email and set the amount of days to sync. Depending on what you want, choose either 30 days or All
I really want to purchase this app, but there are still way to many emails that I get where the text doesn't show up at all. Most of them have attachments and I can download the attachments, but the email message body is always blank. Works just fine on TouchDown for Android phone. Don't understand why this can't be fixed.

hiya, "boo". (seriously?)

TouchDown is an Exchange-ONLY application.

You can, however try using m.hotmail.com.

Oddly, Microsoft doesn't fully support the ActiveSync protocol in Hotmail/Live, so there may be small things like categories and flags which don't seem to work properly. (Google does this too, but for god's sake...it's a MICROSOFT product.)

Fuill Settings are:

  • Windows Live Hotmail Exchange ActiveSync server address: m.hotmail.com
  • Windows Live Hotmail Exchange ActiveSync domain: (leave empty)
  • Windows Live Hotmail Exchange ActiveSync user name: Your full Windows Live Hotmail address (e.g. me@live.com)
  • Windows Live Hotmail Exchange ActiveSync password: Your Windows Live Hotmail password
  • Windows Live Hotmail Exchange ActiveSync TLS/SSL encryption required: yes

I've had much success with Touchdown on Android connecting to my Hotmail account. I just downloaded the trial for Windows 8 from the Windows Store and get the following message during setup (after the second screen) following your instructions:

"Error fetching folders ;Exception ;Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent' "

I will be sending the full log file to td4windows@nitrodesk.com

In the meantime, are there plans for porting the recently announced "TouchDown Personal Edition" that is available for Android to Windows 8?

Thanks in advance,
I love touchdown for Android but the Surface version I purchased is buggy and slow. Will there be updates in the near future? It offers a wonderful and robust set of features but needs fine tuning...