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Touch/Type Cover - Is having one essential?

You should find a store to try them out... the Touch Cover is just horrible imo. It looks nice sure, but I find it quite annoying to type at any length with.

From what I understand, the new one is supposed to be much better...though I wouldn't spend money to find out.

Edit: Btw, any idea as to when the new Type Covers (except for the black one) will be available? On the UK website, it just says "coming soon". See here: http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msuk/en_GB/pdp/Type-Cover-2/productID.286902700

Needless to say, I am interested in getting the purple one!
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Touch 2 is 100% better than Touch 1 but only available in Black :( (I think this has something to do with LEDs for backlighting). The Touch 1 had 80 sensors and the Touch 2 has 1092 plus adds the smart auto-complete that the OSK has...
Touch 2 is 100% better than Touch 1 but only available in Black :( (I think this has something to do with LEDs for backlighting). The Touch 1 had 80 sensors and the Touch 2 has 1092 plus adds the smart auto-complete that the OSK has...

I wonder, in terms of market popularity, if more Type covers were ultimately sold than Touch. The only bundled keyboard was the black Touch, so I thought the reason why they stuck with black this time is to make it easier for future bundles or whatever, and if Type was a much more popular purchase, perhaps expand the offering on that. I still worry about the lost 1mm keystroke in Type 2, but I hope the "silent" bonus offsets that for me. :p
Introducing a different aspect. My type cover keyboard produces the letter 'y' when I press 'z' - a perception before the sun is over the yardarm! Any help with this anomaly much appreciated.

You need to change your input language.
You could buy five or more USB keyboards, leaving one in each place you frequently use the computer, for the same money as the type cover. Just saying.

I have the type cover and it works great, but find myself seriously considering standard USB keyboard and mouse on occasion.
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Not exactly, lol. I just meant general typing ... ;)

By "special" I simply mean the symbol characters like brackets, full stops etc. Which are, typically, on a secondary page accessible by tapping the "symbol" button. But, on a physical keyboard the symbols are usually easier to access by holding the shift key.

I code css and html on an iPad using Textastic which is a ftp program which is also a good code editor with colour for tags. I have ordered a 128GB Pro and am also wondering about a touch or type cover. I have no problem with the on screen keyboard on the iPad and will wait before purchasing a cover.
I code css and html on an iPad using Textastic which is a ftp program which is also a good code editor with colour for tags. I have ordered a 128GB Pro and am also wondering about a touch or type cover. I have no problem with the on screen keyboard on the iPad and will wait before purchasing a cover.

I don't believe the issue between on-screen and physical keyboards is one of having "problems" (unless the language layout just doesn't work out), but rather one of pure efficiency. You're very unlikely to reach, say, 80 wpm with an on-screen keyboard, whereas a physical keyboard is simply more efficient--far more screen space, better typing angle, more natural feel, and most likely fewer errors since people are taught on traditional keyboards.

So really, the proper question in relation to "how much typing do you want to do" is "how efficient do you want to be?" Sure, I can type a 40,000 word novella using an on-screen keyboard with few actual problems, but I certainly would never want to. :p For minimal web coding where you're in an existing framework/infrastructure, it probably works out fine. But developing a C++ application from scratch with millions of lines of code--probably not. Then somewhere in between: YMMV in terms of "acceptable efficiency."
Anyone know if MS plan on more than just black for the touch cover 2 and if there will be a red type cover at some point?!

I think with the Backlighting they need much darker colors to hide the LEDs....

That doesn't explain the cyan Type.

I really hope there's an option to disable it like the touchpad, since that's a power drain I never need.
That doesn't explain the cyan Type.

I really hope there's an option to disable it like the touchpad, since that's a power drain I never need.

The keys on the Type 2 are plastic so they are more opaque then the Touch 2