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Third Party Chargers


The charger I purchased from eBay works, i.e., it charges the Surface RT. However, it affects the touch functions. Here are the issues, with the charger plugged in.

1. The lock screen can't be swiped up. Do the swipe up action and it barely rolls up. You can't get to yor password screen.
2. The Charms can't be activated. Egde swipe left and the entire screen gets dragged.
3. Swipe from top, swipe from bottom, which activates the App Bar won't work.
4. Edge swipe right, and the application list don't appear.

How can I make use of this thing?

1. When I'm logged in, attach the connector in head-down position, i.e., the wire lead is up.

I would hazard a guess that the control pin (pin 3) of the charger is OPEN, i.e., no connection and causes the Surface RT to freak out.
What I would do before hooking it up to the Surface is verify that it is voltage regulated,

Bjornb --

That is my plan. I have a 14V DC transformer in my shop. I will connect a socket to it, then check the voltage output of the device. My guess is that it is not regulated, but that will be Ok. I mostly ordered it to get the cable, intending to do sorta what you are doing. I have a spare auto unit left over from one of my laptops, and I plan to rig it to use with the Surface (or at least try). I haven't yet figured out how to satisfy the "detect" function, but will study that problem. Have you solved it?

I'm not going to hook a $1000 tablet to anything until I have satisfied myself that it is safe. I have a nice little 175W inverter that actually satisfies my occasional need, but, since I have this laptop unit just sitting around, I thought I would see if I could put it to good use. But, if it doesn't work, I will, at least, have had some fun and learned a few things.

Take care,
ArnoldC - I have had this issue with cheap chargers and every capacitive touchscreen device I have ever owned. My guess is that the transformers they use are cheap/crappy and putting out dirty power that affects the screen. The only work around I have come up with is to only use those chargers when I am not using the device. As far as I can tell they do not hurt the device in any way, just make it sense phantom touches when in use.
@gangolfus, I share your sentiments and work around. Thanks.
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Doesn't look like it. Remember, this is a Chinese knock off for $20. I'm keeping it at my work where I have an abundance of access to USB ports.

Arrived yesterday in a nicely packaged bubble envelope. It charges in the same amount of time as my OEM Pro charger so that should be a good indication that it is 48W (brick label claims output is 12v - 3.6a). Can't vouch that it is shutting off when batter is fully charged. Nice form factor - Brick is (3" x 1.25" x 1") has a blue light indicating power but no USB port. Cords are good quality - outlet cord is removable with a solid connection while the Surface cord has a nice "collar" to protect from cracking where it attaches to the brick (e.g. Apple cords) and includes a ferrite. Surface connector does not have a white light to indicate charging but is otherwise identical to OEM version.

So far I'm very pleased given this is a $20 back up charger I plan to leave at work.
Guys, why use a cheap third party charger on a 1000 $ tablet? Be on the save site and grab a MS charger...

Imagine your SP would be damaged by a faulty third party charger and you lose your warranty. Good for MS, bad for your pocket.
Been holding off on this for a while as they haven't been available till now - or I've missed them. Just ordered a UK plug version to leave at the girlfriend's house. Total price incl P&P £7.68! Once I get it and test it I'l let you know. If any good I may pick up another to leave at work and keep the US one for my house and travel.

So this has finally turned up at the office. They did quote a month on that postage free option and a month it has been. It's cheap and cheerful. Plugged it in to a wall socket first and a blue light on the plug itself came on so good start! Plugged it in to the RT and it began charging. There is no light at top of connector. Unfortunately, the RT is almost completely charged at the mo but want to test it properly over the next day or so. Will put up a proper review re build etc in the next day or so
I bought this charger and it arrived today. $20 including shipping.

The seller emailed me about a week after I bought it to say that it was stopped by customs in China and asked if I wanted a refund, or to try to resend it.
I told him to resend it and got it today (about 2 weeks after I told him to resend it).

Very happy with the communication and service. nice compact brick will take up less space in my bag.
I will leave the MS charger at home and leave the new one at work and when travelling.
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I bought this charger and it arrived today. $20 including shipping.

The seller emailed me about a week after I bought it to say that it was stopped by customs in China and asked if I wanted a refund, or to try to resend it.
I told him to resend it and got it today (about 2 weeks after I told him to resend it).

I thought the chargers were interchangeable, yet yours says it's not compatible with RT. Price is right and looks nicer than the cheap ones.

Please note: it only work in Microsoft Surface 10.6 Windows 8 Pro, does not work in Microsoft Surface 10.6 Windows 8 RT
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I thought the chargers were interchangeable, yet yours says it's not compatible with RT. Price is right and looks nicer than the cheap ones.

They are interchangeable provided you get ones that are ;) Third party knock offs don't usually include the smart circuits to ensure they don't melt down. Unless you are sure it will work on both use caution or expect there may be some issues. This has already happened with some people who tried cheap car chargers on the Pro only to have them melt even though they said they were for the Pro. Fortunately those people were more interested in the charging tip than the actual charger so it wasn't a huge loss. The seller quickly changed the compatibility but it just shows you never know.
I asked the seller about that and this was their confusing reply:

sorry,this is fit the pro,but you can buy this item,we will sent the rt charger to you,thanks

I only see 4 accessories for Microsoft Surface on their store and only one is a charger.