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Surface Window Updates List


New Member
Should also be a sticky! Please report on any changes you guys notice and add to things that I am missing. Someone also take over this post. I have a life too!

Update 11/13/2012
-Up to 5 security updates for RT and Desktop Windows 8
-App launch up to 2 seconds faster

Update 11/07/2012

-Updated Xbox-Music addressing issue of playback errors while streaming music in connected standby

Update 11/06/2012

-Update flash support for IE10
-Updated Windows Defender

Update 10/27/2012

-BIG update on all office apps
-FIXED Microsoft Word typing lag
-FIXED OneNote Inking Lag
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On 11/07/2012, I was able to download the Office 2013 update (to convert the Preview edition that came with Surface).

Note that you will NOT find this update in the Metro Windows Update charm. You have to go to the Desktop Control Panel and do Check Updates there. It's a large download (over 500 Megabytes) and takes about 15 minutes after download for installation - so allocate some time.
There was an update today for Xbox-Music addressing the issue of playback errors while streaming music in connected standby.
I would suggest a reasonable charge on your Surface and maybe even an OS restart before applying the updates if you are not doing that regularly.
I just updated the Office programs, and the tiles no longer indicate "preview" versions. However, the icons at the bottom task bar in the Desktop for the Office programs now are plain white boxes (no color or indication of which program they control). The "empty" icons still work, however. Any ideas as to what might have gone wrong?
On 11/07/2012, I was able to download the Office 2013 update (to convert the Preview edition that came with Surface).

Note that you will NOT find this update in the Metro Windows Update charm. You have to go to the Desktop Control Panel and do Check Updates there. It's a large download (over 500 Megabytes) and takes about 15 minutes after download for installation - so allocate some time.


Thanks for mentioning that the Office update does not come through the Metro Update charm.
I was waiting and checking this every day. But of course I just checked the charms situation.
And now that I've read your info I checked at the desktop update and here it is. Windows tells me that the update is as of 10/30/12 and today is 11/8/12.

Thanks again.

Windows update is out. I realized that while downloading updates and doing other things, I get considerable lag. That's from having 5 IE tabs out with max 5 apps. Guess Surface 2.0 should come out with 4 GB of RAM. Post any replies on updates changes that you see
Updates today
don't forget to run updates in the Desktop.
I got
Update for Windows Defender
5 RT - Security updates
1 - Firmware (only available from the desktop.
Aw: Surface Window Updates List

After I've installed the updates, the overall speed has improved and I didn't noticed stutter while playing music from micro-sd while in standby so far.