After reading a few of these pages, I figured I'd join in. Some of the suggestions I seriously hope do
not get included in the SP4. Some are great.
-Don't make it thinner. It's thin enough! If it's possible to make it thinner, then just use the space to increase the battery size/better cooling? Being lighter is always welcome however.
-Would be happy to have the new USB-C, but only as an
addition to standard 'old' USB. Apple got that wrong, for sure.
-Include a lock for the kickstand. Get's a little annoying when it slips away while drawing.
-If possible, re-engineer kickstand to work in portrait mode too. Not major though.
-Perhaps higher end models could have a discrete GPU option?
-Don't make the pen smaller and don't attach it in silo. Leave that for the non-Pro version. The loop serves it's purpose well. Could look nicer though (see how wacom integrates their loop into the frame of the Bamboo). The pen feels great as is. Maybe improve the lower buttons. They sometimes get stuck down in the frame.
-Don't add 4G (at least not as standard).
-Don't change aspect ratio/add more pixels to the screen. It's perfect as it is.
-Not sure if this should come under OS more, but it's flippin' annoying when it goes to sleep while playing Spotify/whatever. Make it a little more sensitive to what it's doing before sleeping!
-Be rid of the i3 version. You've got the Atom Surface's for the low end. Keep 'Pro' pro. There will be too many options which is confusing to the average consumer.
-Make 128GB minimum.
-Improve both cameras. I don't care about pictures, but it's a little embarrassing to appear on video conferences all grainy. It's not a good look. I was shocked at how bad the SP3 cameras were. In this day and age...really?!
-Also, make the front camera angle adjustable somehow? I find it hard to get framed
and have the screen at a good angle on some surfaces i.e. on my lap.
-Windows Hello (I suppose)
-Make it an option to increase graphics performance at the sacrifice of battery life, let alone when it's plugged in! I can't stand the banding!! (This should happen for the SP3 too)
-Keep it classy
That's all in my long and humble opinion...but I'm right