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Solved Surface Pro 3 Pen Issues

I actually got mine to work, just follow the instructions above and you should get it running.

I've tried everything.

I've done the following multiple times:
deleted and reinstalled app
deleted and reinstalled pen
refreshed dozens of times

All it shows is: Surface Hub could not connect to the pen device. Either the pen driver is not installed or it is disabled. Please install or enable driver and try again.
Try taking the AAAA battery out of the pen and re-installing it. If that doesn't work, replace that battery. I had the same issues, and either re-installing or replacing always solves them. That size of battery can sometimes hang on the shelves for years, so it's possible for a brand new one to be DOA or die very soon after installation, so even if the battery is brand new you might still have problems.

Even if a new batch shows as good on my battery tester, they seldom last more than a few weeks anyway. -DA1
I've tried everything.

I've done the following multiple times:
deleted and reinstalled app
deleted and reinstalled pen
refreshed dozens of times

All it shows is: Surface Hub could not connect to the pen device. Either the pen driver is not installed or it is disabled. Please install or enable driver and try again.
This file that I uploaded should help you. At least that is how I fixed my issue. Do not worry this is not a virus. It is a recording of myself showing you a step by step on how I fixed my issue.


  • Surface Pen Issues.zip
    1.1 MB · Views: 687
This file that I uploaded should help you. At least that is how I fixed my issue. Do not worry this is not a virus. It is a recording of myself showing you a step by step on how I fixed my issue.

Hmm...I tried looking at that, but it just showed refreshing the device list, which I've already done many times. I'm going to try a new battery and see if that works
Hmm...I tried looking at that, but it just showed refreshing the device list, which I've already done many times. I'm going to try a new battery and see if that works
Oh sorry about that. I guess you do need new batteries. By the way is your pen responsive? When you use it on One Note or something.
Oh sorry about that. I guess you do need new batteries. By the way is your pen responsive? When you use it on One Note or something.

Yeah, it works in everything fine. Don't really see how a battery will fix, but it's my last resort

Edit: tried battery and no go. Surely I can't be the only person with this problem
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Yeah, it works in everything fine. Don't really see how a battery will fix, but it's my last resort

Edit: tried battery and no go. Surely I can't be the only person with this problem
Well I guess you could possibly contact their customer support but we all know how terrible their service is. Give it a shot though