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Although it's not possible to burn in images to an LCD display, image persistence, (however unlikely), is not. You have to be really trying to make it persist on screen, and even then it's difficult with modern LCDs. And let's say you do manage to get image persistence; it's never permanent like a burn-in is. You can just "rest" the screen for some time to get the LC molecules to relax, or display a plain white image to "reset" the screen.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from using a screen saver; I use one myself. I'm just saying it's redundant with an LCD display, (or LED for that matter.) Kind of like wearing a helmet while driving a car.

Really informative answer and I appreciate the point you make. I just worry that LG displays gave really harsh image persistence within a short time frame (Retina MacBook Pro issues) that lots of people reported. I get that resting the display will alleviate the issue but why did those LG displays suffer so badly and retain for such a long time? Bad manufacturing or the nature of the tech?

I'm trying to ascertain if bypassing a screensaver will give results that my MacBook suffered with, or the display in the surface pro 3 has 'evolved' and doesn't retain images.
Interesting. Having read all this, i'm now wondering what caused the big issue of permanent burn in an LCD tv i bought about 5 years ago. It was bad enough to make watching films rather irritating at times.
Was the tv manufactured by Samsung or LG? Their QC on displays were known to be less than stellar. (Samsung better than LG.) In the past, many manufacturers had high tolerance for bad pixels which contributed to image persistence. But now, many, (if not all), reputable manufacturers), have tightened up their LCD QC and adhere to a new ISO standard.

Really informative answer and I appreciate the point you make. I just worry that LG displays gave really harsh image persistence within a short time frame (Retina MacBook Pro issues) that lots of people reported. I get that resting the display will alleviate the issue but why did those LG displays suffer so badly and retain for such a long time? Bad manufacturing or the nature of the tech?

I'm trying to ascertain if bypassing a screensaver will give results that my MacBook suffered with, or the display in the surface pro 3 has 'evolved' and doesn't retain images.
Like I mentioned above, LG's QC was sub-par. In fact, it is said (rumoured) that Apple gradually recognized the problem with LG-manufactured displays but was hesitant to immediately switch to Samsung because of their on-going court battle. But Apple, caring more about quality than grudges, eventually went with Samsung starting a couple of years ago since LG, (and Sharp before them), failed. (I don't have a cite to back up this "story", so feel free to disregard it:p)

As for using a screen saver, go ahead. It's not like there's any disadvantage to using one. But if you forget to use it, or it doesn't come up as it's supposed to, you don't need to freak out. You screen will not suffer any damages from not using one.
Was the tv manufactured by Samsung or LG? Their QC on displays were known to be less than stellar. (Samsung better than LG.) In the past, many manufacturers had high tolerance for bad pixels which contributed to image persistence. But now, many, (if not all), reputable manufacturers), have tightened up their LCD QC and adhere to a new ISO standard.

Like I mentioned above, LG's QC was sub-par. In fact, it is said (rumoured) that Apple gradually recognized the problem with LG-manufactured displays but was hesitant to immediately switch to Samsung because of their on-going court battle. But Apple, caring more about quality than grudges, eventually went with Samsung starting a couple of years ago since LG, (and Sharp before them), failed. (I don't have a cite to back up this "story", so feel free to disregard it:p)

As for using a screen saver, go ahead. It's not like there's any disadvantage to using one. But if you forget to use it, or it doesn't come up as it's supposed to, you don't need to freak out. You screen will not suffer any damages from not using one.

Spot on, it was an LG. Mine wasnt imsge retention, just a huge ass dark area slap bang in the middke of the display, almost like a shadow. Not the end of the world though, it was poor quality, hummed to a point of utter annoyance on any dark screen, and died the day i packed my bags to go home for christmas so bought a fancy sony job to replace it. The difference in colour quality is unbelievable,

That's a clouding issue called "mura", caused by bad QC such as: uneven density of LC, gap between substrates, non-uniform thickness of transistors, etc. etc. Although I don't, and have never owned any LG products, I understand their standards have vastly improved and I would be surprised if these issues still occurred with their recent displays.

Even then, I think you made the right choice in going with Sony:)