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Strange ink spiking


In a meeting today I was using Drawboard PDF to take notes on a presentation. About half way through I started getting strange spiking on my handwritten words. It usually happened with an "h" or "l" or any letter that you have a taller upstroke (while writing in cursive). The spike would be a very fast ink spike up from the word half an inch up to 2 inches high. I clearly was not drawing this or touching the screen in these places with my hand. I rebooted and it continued. I then tried writing in Onenote and had the same thing happen.

When I got back to my office I tried to recreate the problem so I could attach a picture to this forum but it does not seem to be an issue any longer. I have never had this happen before, but it was quite bad this time...often affecting nearly every word.

Has anyone else seen this? Any recommendations on what is causing it or how to fix it if it reoccurs? Thanks in advance.
I could have been just a glitch relative to the pen driver. I would be more concern if you could repeatedly reproduce it.
Yes it was plugged in when this occurred. I have a spare pen that I will keep with me for a few days. If the problem reoccurs, then I can test if it will continue to have the same problem with a different pen.

Love the SP3....hopefully some of these small problems get corrected quickly.
Its referred to as "Vectoring" and N-Trig has had this issue in the past, typically it starts happening as the Quad A battery starts dying....

It can also happen if the mains the SP3 is plugged into isn't properly grounded....
Thanks jnjroach. I will try replacing the battery but doubt that is it. However the poorly grounded main could easily be the problem. I was plugged into a plug built into a conference room table at a company here in China. If this was the problem then I assume it would stop if I unplugged the SP3?
Thanks jnjroach. I will try replacing the battery but doubt that is it. However the poorly grounded main could easily be the problem. I was plugged into a plug built into a conference room table at a company here in China. If this was the problem then I assume it would stop if I unplugged the SP3?
Thanks jnjroach. I will try replacing the battery but doubt that is it. However the poorly grounded main could easily be the problem. I was plugged into a plug built into a conference room table at a company here in China. If this was the problem then I assume it would stop if I unplugged the SP3?

Typically....I first saw this when I had the HP Slate 500 and was at Microsoft's World Wide Partner Conference plugged into a Temporary Courtesy Charging Station and had really bad vectoring (and let's be honest it was so bad I felt tingling when I brought my pen close).