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spot the Surface!

Sometimes I agree with you, sometimes I don't... but either way you can't blame people for biting, your signature is pure bait!

If he wished to discuss the attributes of my signature then he's more than welcome to. My device BSOD'd today (iqr_not_less_than), crashed in sleep, the stylus didn't work until rebooting and the onscreen keyboard stopped popping up automatically in metro. I like this device but my experience with it has been incredibly buggy and I don't mind talking about it. None of us should, we paid a handsome price for our machine. Also, if we don't make noise about these problems then Microsoft wont be under pressure and motivated to fix them.

I don't have a problem with these sort of discussions, I do have a problem with irrational users assuming I'm some sort of irrational Apple fanboy who blames viruses on Microsoft because I casually mention that MacBooks are popular laptops amongst University students. That's just utter nonsense.
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Just watched an episode of Arrow, a girl hacked something with the Surface, ha!
Update: Another scene from Arrow:

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Yea you might have seen this before but this is pretty huge, a scene from Suburgotary:


What the hell is a full-sized usb port anyway?

Here's the one from Elementary, too:


(Skip to 0:25 for the blatant surface promo)