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Solidworks and Surface Pro 3

Hi Mike, thank you very much, you save my day , it's working fine now without changing display resolution!!! ..and it shows even a better aspect.

The menu is not exactly the same you said (in state of Disable Display Scaling ... it's "solve resolution problem " or something like that [I'm translating from my Windows French version]) but the operation is similar.

Presently I'm using SOLIDWORKS 14, and I'm working on 3D printing too.
I have an ULTIMAKER 2 and use CURA to generate .gcode files, but it would be great to generate the printing file directly from SW, even if CURA is a good soft too.
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You'll need SOLIDWORKS 2015 to take advantage of the built in 3D printing functionality, but trust me, there are lots of other great interface upgrades that make the switch worth it.

By the way if you have any interest in our certification program (CSWA, CSWP, CSWE Etc) let me know, I can help you out with some free exams.
Thank you very much Mike, I'll install Solidworks 2015.

Solidworks is really fantastic.

For the exam presently I have no time , but why not in the future.....
Have you tried:

Right-clicking the desktop icon > Properties > Compatibility > Disable display scaling on high DPI settings

That's how I use SOLIDWORKS on my SP3 when I do presentations at user groups and schools. I know there are several fellow employees inside SOLIDWORKS that are using SP3's and this is the solution they use. We do have touch controls in the software (actually been there for years) so you can enable them, although they only effect pan and rotate. SOLIDWORKS is fully compatible with Win8 and on including touch, and we have a direct relationship with MS as well.

I also use "Disable display scaling on high DPI" with SolidWorks. I have been very impressed with the performance of SolidWorks on my i5 8GB RAM Surface. Recently, I picked up a Samsung U28D590D 4k monitor and applied a custom resolution via the Intel graphics utility to achieve 4k @ 50Hz over displayport. It still runs SolidWorks well at this resolution (although, there is a slight amount of hesitation when rotating a model).

Now that I have a high DPI external monitor, I don't have bizarre Windows scaling issues when transitioning between my external monitor and internal screen, which makes things a lot more seamless. I used to have to log out and log in to make Windows prefer my external or internal monitor's DPI.
Solid Edge works exceedingly well on the Surface Pro 3. I have an i7 and I've loaded 1,000 part assemblies on it and it works fine.

Here's my 3D model of my Surface Pro done in Solid Edge using my Surface.

-edit- Just to clarify, I used the Stylus, Mouse and Keyboard on my SP3 and no external monitor when modeling this in Solid Edge... Solid Edge's Synchronous Technology coupled with using the touch screen was an absolute blast.

View attachment 4347
Love your model of the surface pro 3. I am running solidworks 2015 on my surface pro 3 and it has been working fairly well for me. Any chance a guy could get a hold of your Surface Pro 3 model?
Love your model of the surface pro 3. I am running solidworks 2015 on my surface pro 3 and it has been working fairly well for me. Any chance a guy could get a hold of your Surface Pro 3 model?

I've attached a Parasolid Model of the SP3 and stylus Assembly. This model lacks many details and was done purely for rendering purposes. Not sure how to get you the textures for the Keyboard and Screen shot.


  • SURFACE PRO 3.zip
    562.9 KB · Views: 346
I've attached a Parasolid Model of the SP3 and stylus Assembly. This model lacks many details and was done purely for rendering purposes. Not sure how to get you the textures for the Keyboard and Screen shot.
Thank you, it is greatly appreciated.
I've attached a Parasolid Model of the SP3 and stylus Assembly. This model lacks many details and was done purely for rendering purposes. Not sure how to get you the textures for the Keyboard and Screen shot.

Out of curiosity how did you get the specs for the model? Curious how accurate hole locations, buttons, etc. are to an actual Surface Pro 3 unit. As an example I noticed that the headphone jack looks to be in a different location than what is on my Surface Pro 3 unit. Although it could just be my bad eye sight too, because I was just going off of a quick glance and not actual measurements.

Thank you for posting the model.
Out of curiosity how did you get the specs for the model? Curious how accurate hole locations, buttons, etc. are to an actual Surface Pro 3 unit. As an example I noticed that the headphone jack looks to be in a different location than what is on my Surface Pro 3 unit. Although it could just be my bad eye sight too, because I was just going off of a quick glance and not actual measurements.

Thank you for posting the model.

Here's the Texture I used for the Keys on the Keyboard rendering... I thought that would save you some time.


  • Keys 2 SP3.zip
    5 MB · Views: 356