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Skype doesn't sync


Well-Known Member
I try to stay in the Metro environment as much as possible. I'm a fairly heavy user of Skype's chat, and am signed into several group chats that are active every day.

It's stupid annoying lately though that Skype doesn't update on my SP3 or notify me of new messages (because it's not updating!) in the background, unless I actually switch to the Skype app, then it sits for a second and then updates.

I do remember that once upon a time I would be doing something else and the Skype notification would pop up in the upper right corner when a new message came, but not for a long time now.

I've gone into Settings in Skype and made sure notifications were turned on, etc.

You guys have any other ideas?
Do you have it set to show on the lock screen as well? I think that has to work in the background in order for the notifications to appear.
This is very frustrating and is one of the biggest pitfalls of Skype.

Recently, it hasn't been as bad for me actually, but there was a fix that I used for a long time...

Do you have Skype installed on your smartphone? I leave my iPhone in an upright dock to the left hand side of my Surface. It often receives messages way before my Surface does, so I read them on there (have big screen notifications set up) and then reply on my Surface version of Skype. It's far from ideal but works 95% of the time :)
Talking about Skype, I find that I am really disappointed with the service - especially the video calling part. Calls freeze, video works at one end but not at the other and generally the service is sub-par! I just wish it was a smoother experience - heck, even Viber is generally better than Skype. I do wish MS would up their game on this as it is quite a useful capability to have. To add to this, the syncing feature between a number of devices on the same account is quite bad - as @malberttoo describes - particularly within the MS/ Windows eco-system.
@nipponham , thanks I'll check that out.

@kayzee, I do have it installed on my iPhone. It seems to be just as bad there.

@kristalsoldier, I agree about seemingly poor attention to quality control.

I have noticed that it seems like my group chat is the biggest problem right now- I almost never get notifications for that, on either iOS or Metro App. Desktop client works almost perfectly.
Since my post, I checked my Skype settings and while notifications are turned on, it is not set to appear on my lock screen. I continue to get Skype notifications with these settings so my suggestion may be moot, but it still might be worth a try.

BTW, Skype notifications only appear when the app is up working in the background. If it's shutdown (even though you're still signed in), you will not get notifications. At least I don't. Enabling the option to appear on your lock screen may or may not affect this.
I have the Skype MUI app running on my SP2 almost constantly. I do get the popup notifications when I'm in the desktop, and the little Skype icon shows on the bottom of the lock screen if I have new messages. The only issue I've had with it is that it sometimes takes a while to get new messages (as in, I know the other person has typed and sent already but it takes maybe a minute to pop on my screen).
Limitations of the app/API. Sometimes toasts are appear quickly, sometimes they get knocked around the cloud some time before getting pushed.
I have the opposite issue....I have Skype enabled on my SP3, Xbox One, Lumia 1520 and Dell Venue Pro 8 and have calls to India 2 to 3 a week with a sub that doesn't have Lync and when they call me the all go off at the same time....mine all to sync really well.
I have the Skype MUI app running on my SP2 almost constantly. I do get the popup notifications when I'm in the desktop, and the little Skype icon shows on the bottom of the lock screen if I have new messages. The only issue I've had with it is that it sometimes takes a while to get new messages (as in, I know the other person has typed and sent already but it takes maybe a minute to pop on my screen).

I notice a similar thing with the Mail app too! I seem to get the notifications of new mail on my Lumia 830 before I get notifications on my SP3. Odd.